U.S. and Israel surrender health authority to the WHO

Revelation 13:7 “Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them. And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation,”

Important Takeaways:

  • In four days, the World Health Organization will vote on resolutions that will give them emergency powers over any country they choose. The Biden administration initiated the measures but kept them under wraps until just a few weeks ago when the vote was a foregone conclusion. It was recently revealed that Israel fell into lockstep, backing the measure, though one exceptional politician has become the voice of reason in a government that has run amok.
  • (WHO) governing legislative body, will be voting on Provisional agenda item 16.2 in Geneva on May 22. The agenda, described by the WHO under the headline “Strengthening WHO preparedness for and response to health emergencies”
  • The Biden administration gave these proposed amendments to the WHO on January 18. No one knew this until April 12, less than a month ago. If passed, the resolutions will go into effect in November.
  • On the website Israel Tomorrow, Feiglin described the new agenda “..the organization will get the right to manage and control the movement of people, imprison them, and restrict them in any way they choose, to demand that they undergo such and other treatments,” he wrote. “The WHO will supervise all objects, facilities, and equipment: suitcases, containers, buildings, bags, etc., and collect information of any kind they want, all under the heading of an international emergency – which will now be solely at their discretion. And to be precise – at the discretion of only one person – the organization’s secretary-general.”

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