California Gov. Gavin Newsom tells officials to reduce homelessness or he will cut funds


Important Takeaways:

  • California Gov. Gavin Newsom said he will start to redirect money from cities and counties that don’t show “demonstrable results” in reducing homelessness.
  • Newsom made pointed comments Thursday criticizing some local jurisdictions for not doing enough despite the “unprecedented resources” the state has provided.
  • The Democratic governor’s order followed a US Supreme Court decision in June that ruled in favor of an Oregon city that ticketed homeless people for sleeping outside
  • Newsom said his order emphasizes working with local service providers to get people resources and doesn’t mention citations. “This is not about criminalization. What’s criminal, is neglecting people who are struggling and suffering and dying on our watch”
  • “This is not one of those political things,” Newsom said. “This is a sincerely held belief that we need local government to step up. This is a crisis, act like it.”
  • Money could start being redirected in January when the state starts forming its budget proposals, Newsom said.

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