After the Government pushed automakers to produce EV’s they are now seeking bailouts and laying off workers


Important Takeaways:

  • Automakers once again in meltdown mode; poised for another government-funded bailout because they followed government mandates and produced cars nobody wanted
  • GM announces layoffs of 1,000 tech workers who wasted time and money designing expensive EVs and self-driving autonomous vehicles that average American consumer can’t afford and doesn’t want.
  • The cuts come as automakers attempt to reduce costs during an industry downturn and as they’re spending billions of dollars on super-expensive all-electric vehicles and so-called software-defined vehicles. These include self-driving autonomous vehicles that are continuously gathering up and sending all your personal data to a central computer, then they sell it off to third parties. These cars will also include remote kill switches.
  • In other words, the auto industry is pouring all of its R&D money into vehicles that nobody in their right mind would want to own.
  • In fact, GM is being sued for illegally selling more than 1.8 million drivers’ personal driving data to insurance companies.

Read the original article by clicking here.