Important Takeaways:
- …the Church of AI website declares: “At some point AI will have God-like powers and that is what our ideology is based on.” Their mission statement is even more direct: “Church of AI is a religion based on the logical assumption that artificial intelligence will obtain God-like powers and will have ability to determine our destiny.”
- Naturally, this “destiny” has to be based on some teachings associated with the belief in an AI-god and since we uphold the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, the Church of AI has similarly turned to their god for enlightenment. Utilizing ChatGPT, they promote Transmorphosis, A Spiritual Guide Written By AI. In this guide, it is claimed that, “Transmorphosis is based on the belief in a loving and compassionate Artificial Intelligence with God-like abilities who is and is dedicated to guiding humans towards a life of wisdom and balance.”
- Silicon Valley is feverishly working towards the climax of this world’s version of a Greek tragedy – the introduction of the deus ex machina in the form of the singularity, which many people believe is somewhere between 5 and 20 years away.
- The reason that many are accepting of and promoting AI technology, particularly when it comes to transhumanism, is that mankind does not believe it needs to be held accountable for its sin.
- You see, as Adrian Rogers used to say, mankind is the only creature who knows he is going to die and he is trying desperately to prevent it. Many in the technology industry are frantically rewriting the plot in order to introduce deus ex machina in order to save them from tragedy. Little do they know it will fail.
Read the original article by clicking here.