Invitation – Let’s Get Organized!

Hi ladies and any gentlemen who want to participate!

We have just turned the corner into 2012 and this year promises to be a huge challenge in getting ourselves as ready as humanly possible for anything that may come.  We can’t know for sure what exactly we will be dealing with, but I’m determined to do my best for my family and for the Church family here at Morningside.  So, I’m looking for ways to improve my own organization, and perhaps we can help others to get organized in the process.  For some people, this is a huge feat!  For others, it’s just a matter of putting your mind to it.

Jim has been doing a lot of teaching about the world’s CONFUSION in 2012.  CONFUSION is, of course, the exact opposite of organization.  Since 12 is the Biblical number for organization, and we’re entering a year that is prophesied to be chaotic, I find that a little ironic, don‘t you? 

So, I’m looking for practical suggestions for preparedness in case of disasters or any other event that might require us to function outside of our usual circumstances and without our usual conveniences.  Most of you know that I’m petrified that we’ll be without toilet tissue so I stock up!

No suggestion is too silly or too small, or too complicated or too difficult.  What you have to share will be needed by someone!  

Who knows?  Your suggestion might end up in a preparedness manual. 

Let’s help each other get ready!