Greece Gives Another Bailout To Banks

The Greek government gave 18 billion euros to its four biggest banks in an attempt to allow the banks access to European Central Bank funds.

Two government officials told Reuters that the government is trying to revive the country’s falling tax revenue but that it has a 3 billion euro fund remaining from the country’s first bailout to pay bills should the tax revenue not recover. Continue reading

Greek Banks Propped Up By Secret Bank Aid

Secrecy is surrounding an estimated 100 billion euro addition of emergency liquidity provided by the country’s central bank. The move was approved in secret by the European Central Bank.

The use of “Emergency Liquidity Assistance” to help weak economies has been a behind the scenes activity during the euro zone crisis. The ELA helped save the financial system in Ireland and is being used more extensively in Greece. Continue reading

Spanish Bank Shares Plummet Amid Fears

Shares in the Spanish bank, Bankia, were down 14% after reports about the struggling bank’s finances.

The bank denied reports that customers had withdrawn over 1 billion euros from various accounts. The bank is set to be part-nationalized.

A Royal Bank of Scotland spokesman said that the problem is that the Spanish government cannot bear all the weight of the banks in Spain should they all fail at the same time. Continue reading

JP Morgan $2 Billion Dollar Loss Stuns Wall Street

JPMorgan Chase, the largest bank in the United States, has shocked the financial community by reporting a two billion dollar loss on investments made by the bank’s traders.
Officials with the bank blamed “errors, sloppiness and bad judgment” for the losses and stated that it was possible another billion dollars could be lost because of the strategy that has been in place for investors.
The bank’s chief investment office will lose an estimated 800 million dollars in the second quarter of the year even when accounting for gains in other investment areas.   Continue reading