Greece’s Finance Minister Eyes 2014 Recovery

“There is definitely a glimmer of hope,” Greek finance minister Yannis Stournaras told the BBC. “Light at the end of the tunnel.”

Greece is still receiving a large amount of bailout money from the European Union amid austerity measures that have caused massive strikes among public sector employees. The money is expected to continue being given to the country through the first half of the year. Continue reading

World Unemployment Could Hit Records in 2013

The International Labor Organization has released its annual report that states worldwide unemployment could hit record levels this year and could continue rising until 2017.

The current record is from 2009 when 198 million were unemployed. The ILO projects that by the end of 2013 there will be 202 million with a rise of 5.1 million from current levels. The report predicts 205 million unemployed by 2014. Continue reading