With less than a month’s notice major insurance companies drop churches from coverage

Important Takeaways:

  • Major insurance companies drop churches from coverage as natural disasters become more frequent: ‘This does not make sense’
  • Due to a perfect storm of climate-related factors, stress has arrived at some ministry doors, leaving people concerned about the financial future of those churches.
  • The Baptist Paper reported that an “ongoing wave of disasters,” including hurricanes, wildfires, and floods, are combining with ballooning construction costs to send insurance companies into a panic.
  • As a result, church insurers have begun dropping “high-risk” churches — or charging exorbitant price increases — to recoup their losses.
  • Insurers are feeling the pressure in places like Texas, California, and Louisiana, all of which have seen an increase in extreme climate-related weather. Now, churches in those areas are scrambling to assess whether they can afford to continue paying insurance — or operating at all.
  • Without insurance, churches may not be able to function as community resources, serving vulnerable people from all walks of life.

Read the original article by clicking here.