Revelations 13:14 “…by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of the beast it deceives those who dwell on earth…”
Important Takeaways:
- Not Science Fiction: Neuralink Brain Chip Implant To Begin In-human Clinical Study
- On May 25th, Elon Musk’s company Neuralink posted the following on their Twitter account: “We are excited to share that we have received the FDA’s approval to launch our first in-human clinical study!”
- What was the approval for? The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) has permitted Neuralink to implant brain chips in patients. The brain chips will have a wireless connection to a computer enabling patients to control electronic devices mentally, get on the Internet, engage in social media, and so on.
- Their vision for these brain implants is to cure a wide range of medical conditions, which is excellent. However, they are promoting that the device is also planned to enable web browsing and telepathy. Telepathy, is that science fiction or reality?
- Reuters has reported that Neuralink had hoped to receive approval to implant its device into ten patients. How many patients the FDA will ultimately approve for a clinical trial is yet to be known.
- Technology is taking a huge step in our daily lives.
- ALDI Grocery Store
- ALDI grocery store in the United Kingdom is advertising a new shopping method. At a new store on Greenwich High Road in London, their website says:
- “Welcome to a new shopping experience. Download our SHOP&GO App and register your account to enter. Once in the store, just pick up an item or bag it. When you’ve finished shopping, go. You will be charged and receive your receipt via your app.”
- First, you must download the app, then you shop, and then you leave.
- Their website has a FAQ section. Here is one of the answers they are providing:
- Question: “Can I shop at the store with my family and friends?
- Answer: Yes, you can use your ALDI SHOP&GO app to let your friends and family in. Simply scan your QR code to let them in first, one at a time. Any items taken off the shelf by family or friends who entered the store using your app will be added to your virtual basket.”
- From wireless chips in our brains, to being denied entrance into a grocery store, to our leadership giving up control of our freedom in healthcare — where will it go next?
- How are we to respond to such complete technological control? What is the solution for the Digital ID? It comes down to one word — evangelism.
- Believers need to do all that they can to help people realize the days in which we are living. This is not science fiction, this is real life!
Read the originals article by clicking here.