Rev. Franklin Graham is taking a bold stand against what he is calling the government’s assault on Christianity while society glorifies sin.
“What’s happening is we’re glorifying sin, we’re lifting up sin. And it’s like little children shaking their fist at Almighty God,” Graham told Fox News.
Graham’s statement came in the midst of a discussion about how one city is planning to rename Christmas “sparkle day” and a Minnesota courthouse banning poinsettias.
“It’s all over the country,” Graham asserted. “You have the secularists and the humanists who are wanting to deny that Jesus ever existed. And they want to take His name off of everything. What’s happening now is that it’s infiltrating our government. And our government is attacking Christmas. And it’s not only attacking Christmas, but the name of Christ.”
Graham says the same people who are doing all they can to remove Christ from society are the same ones that are pushing a satanic, sinful agenda.
“We are glorifying sin. People have got to understand that God takes sin seriously, because sin will separate us from God for eternity. Hell is a real place. And that’s where every person who turns their back on God [will go] — and God will condemn them. He’s a righteous judge. He has no choice but to condemn a person because of their sins. But He’s willing to forgive a sin, every sin,” he said.