15-year-old child taken away from parents over their objection to puberty blockers

Important Takeaways:

  • “Marginalized,” “powerless,” living in the “Twilight Zone.”
  • Parents of a trans teenager living in Geneva used those words to describe how they have lived in shock and fear over the last 19 months after their then 15-year-old daughter was removed from their home by court order following their objections to giving her puberty blockers.
  • Now, they are fighting under threat of criminal charges to preserve her identity and stop her from making potentially irreversible changes to her body.
  • “This is not a question of human rights,” the father told Fox News Digital. “This is a question of conducting medical experiments on children.”
  • The parents of the now 16-year-old – who wish to remain anonymous to preserve their family’s privacy – claim they have struggled to combat the institutional powers that have accused them of parental abuse for their refusal to give their daughter elective medicine.
  • Against the parent’s wishes, the private school their child attended began to “socially transition” their daughter and connected her with a transgender advocacy organization.
  • By the time their daughter was 15, a school psychologist – who she saw in addition to the private psychiatrist hired by her parents – reached out to the Swiss Child Protection Agency (SPMI) and claimed the minor needed protection from her “transphobic” parents following their continued objection to puberty blockers.
  • Eventually, based on alleged mental and physical health concerns, a Swiss court decided their daughter should be placed in a supervised home run by social services known as a “foyer” – where the now 16-year-old has remained for more than a year.
  • “International law holds that a child shall not be separated from her parents against their will, except in cases of abuse,” legal counsel for ADF International, Dr. Felix Boellmann, said in a statement.
  • The father told Fox News Digital that it is still unclear to him and his legal team what abuse was identified in order to allow them to remove his daughter from her home.
  • In Switzerland, minors are allowed to legally change their name and registered sex at the age of 16, which her parents fear could make it that much easier for her to physically transition.

Read the original article by clicking here.