Dr. Ben Carson talks with Tucker Carlson: Threats to Democracy


Important Takeaways:

  • We, the people, are the pawns being manipulated now. Carson referred to the 45 goals of communism taken from the 1958 book The Naked Communist by W. Cleon Skousen, a former FBI employee. The 45 goals were taken from that book and read into the Florida record.
  • “It was things like gaining control of the public school system and the teacher unions so that you can indoctrinate the kids, gaining control of the news media and Hollywood so that you can manipulate the opinions of people denigrating the role of the family, denigrating the role of the church, getting into the churches and changing the real gospel to the social gospel, making sexual perversion normal, natural, and healthy.
  • Kruschev called it:
  • “I mean, just right down the line, all the things and the things that are happening in our society right now. And we, the American people, are the pawns who are being manipulated. And it’s one of the reasons that Khrushchev was so confident when he talked to Eisenhower and said that your grandchildren’s children will live under our system. We won’t have to fight a war. Because we think we won the Cold War, but they had a much better plan on how to actually change us. And we’re falling for it.”
  • We must wake up.
  • “…part of the overall plan of Marxism and Marxism and communism is very anti-religion because they want it to be dependent on government. They don’t want you to be dependent on God. They want you to believe that they have the ultimate say in everything. So naturally, they’re going to be anti-religion and anti-God. And it’s sad to see. I mean, when you look at television, the way that they mock. Christians and Christianity.”

Read the original article by clicking here.