[Warning graphic content] If a terrorist told you the truth of their goal and purpose what would it sound like?

Hamas Nukhba terrorists (illustrative). (photo credit: SCREENSHOT/X) Hamas Nukhba terrorists (illustrative). (photo credit: SCREENSHOT/X)

Revelation 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

Letter from a terrorist to the world is written by Jerusalem Jane to reveal the horrendous reality and deep trauma facing the Jewish people and Israel.

  • For years, we slaughtered thousands of Jews in horrific terror attacks, including Holocaust survivors and babies; then we slaughtered even more Jews because we are never satisfied with how much blood we shed in those attacks.
  • In 2011, two of our terrorist brothers, armed with four knives, entered the Itamar community and entered the Fogel family home.
  • They went from room to room and brutally murdered most of the family. They stabbed 10-year-old Yoav multiple times, then strangled and stabbed 4-year-old Elad.
  • They proceeded to stab the parents to death, and in the act of killing them, these evil terrorists heard the cry of the Fogel’s three-month-old baby Hadas. With utter cruelty and no mercy, they murdered her with a strong stabbing to her head that penetrated her tiny skull from side to side. We celebrated their demise, and congratulated our jihadist brothers.
  • Yes, our brothers also butchered Jewish fathers on Independence Day by chopping them down with axes in front of their small kids.  We gleefully carry out attacks that include shooting, ramming, stabbing, rocket attacks, and everything possible that we can imagine to kill Jews.
  • Over the years, we fired more than 40,000 rockets into Israel from Gaza; we have repeatedly set Israel on fire with hundreds of arson kites and balloons with the support and cheers of the civilians in Gaza.
  • Then we attacked on October 7th, 2023, and commit war crimes that are the most heinous atrocities since the Holocaust by murdering more than 1200 people, burning people alive, decapitated hundreds of people, or mutilated many of them.
  • Those we didn’t kill outright, we kidnapped and brought into Gaza. We also carried the bodies of other Jews as ransom or negotiation pawns in dealing with Israel.
  • These captives were then tortured, starved and raped.
  • How many of those captives are actually dead or dying? We won’t disclose that. We want the stress of uncertainty to take a toll on the family of these captives.
  • Oh and yes, our fellow terrorists in Hezbollah helped out with over 15,000 rockets fired from Lebanon into Israel.
  • We are also aided by hundreds of ballistic missiles launched from our friends in Yemen and Iran, which has sent Israelis running for their lives to bomb shelters over and over again.
  • We drive 100,000 Israelis out of their homes, and cause them to be refugees in their own country while destroying many of their homes. We love bringing relentless terror and uncertainty against them, we believe they deserve every moment we rob them of their peace!
  • Meanwhile, we play the victim and get people all over the world demonstrating in the streets of their own countries for us, and ultimately supporting us in our wholesale slaughtering of Jews. We have successfully convinced the UN and EU to pour billions of dollars into our hands to educate and train our children to murder the Jews.
  • Many of our doctors, teachers, Imams, journalists and aid workers are actually terrorists being paid by UNRWA and among other sources, both in Gaza and The West Bank.
  • As matter of fact, we are deeply embedded in UNRWA, and we use their facilities to serve our agenda. Our schools’ books are nothing but lies, hate and propaganda against Israel, which is subsidized and supported by UNRWA.
  • Our heroes are terrorists who brutally murder Jews; and those who are martyrs for our cause; are honored by actually naming public squares and streets after them. We regard them as role models for our children, and we gladly glorify them.
  • We pay them or their families (when they are martyred) to murder the Jews, we have paid billions of dollars with money streaming in from western countries who must be both deaf and blind to our hate against the Jews, since they are willingly sponsoring their murder.
  • We glorify death while the Jews celebrate life, so we fully take advance of that. So, now we get thousands of our most esteemed and cold-blooded terrorists free for the exchange of innocent civilians that we kidnapped and sodomized for more than year.
  • Meanwhile, the world is going to pour billions of dollars into Gaza so we can rebuild after the massacre we committed on October 7th.  Yes, it pays to be terrorists murdering the Jews.
  • We are grateful that we are always getting rewarded with billions of dollars, along with sympathy from the world while the Jews who are being attacked and murdered in the most horrific ways are always being blamed, condemned and charged for war crimes. This is in spite of the fact that we committed these war crimes while trying to commit a genocide on Oct 7th.
  • Among our other efforts, we have stolen hundreds of trucks of aid in Gaza, actually more many tons of aid was delivered into Gaza but we lied to the world and said people were starving and Israel was blocking aid – just like we lied and didn’t disclose that about 20,000 of our terrorists brothers were killed in Gaza. Instead, we just told the world that all those casualties were civilians, which they believed.
  • Just like when we lied about Israelis bombing hospitals, when in fact, one of our rockets misfired, yes all the lies we told from “The health Ministry in Gaza,” AKA Hamas was believed and shared by mainstream media around the world. We can tell them anything, and they believe us.
  • We also turn the Gaza strip into the biggest terror nest in the world, thanks to all the hundreds of millions of dollars we received in aid that was used to build the most sophisticated tunnel system throughout the entire Gaza strip. Every other house had tunnel shafts in them and we store a lot of weapons and rockets in our children’s bedrooms. They are our future, can’t you see?
  • Mosques, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, playgrounds, UNWRA facilities were all used to store our weapons and we had command centers in many of these places as well. We also use civilians as human shields, and most of the people in Gaza support us 100%. Conversely, we abuse and murder the people who don’t support us in Gaza.
  • As for this battle we fight against our oppressive occupiers, we are actually shocked when we see how the Israeli Army is so humane and in advance of their military operations, tells people to evacuate and move to a safe zone before they come after us, the vile terrorists as they call us.
  • Why in the world is the IDF caring about the civilians in Gaza when they are supporting us, the freedom fighters named Hamas, when we in fact don’t give a hoot about any civilians? We need them to be casualties so we can blame Israel.
  • Oh well, thousands of our terrorists’ friends are now being set free for a small group of innocent civilians that we abused. We can’t wait to welcome among others our brothers from Hamas, such as Wael Qassem and Wisam Abbasi, they were responsible for attacks that caused dozens of casualties, including bombings at Café Moment in Jerusalem, the Sheffield Club in Rishon Lezion, and the Frank Sinatra Cafeteria at Hebrew University in the early 2000s.
  • Yeah, we are actually very good at murdering the Jews whether they’re standing at a bus stop, shopping in the supermarkets, driving in busses and vehicles, or sitting outside a home for the elderly, like when we recently brutally murdered 83-year-old Ludmilla Lipovsky, she was actually a holocaust survivor.
  • We are also good at murdering Jews in the privacy of their own homes like Dafna Meir, who was killed when a Palestinian teenager repeatedly stabbed her at the entrance to her home in Otniel in front of her 3 children.
  • To top all this off, we also have 50,000 children inside Gaza at military boot camps every summer to learn how to liberate Palestine and murder the Jewish people, and yes, we are good at indoctrinating our children with pure hate towards the Jews.  That’s why our children are reading “Mein Kampf” by Adolf Hitler.
  • Terror against the Jews pays off, big time, and with this investment in our children, it will keep on paying us well.

Read the original article by clicking here.