Supreme Court Considering Religion In Government Case

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

The Supreme Court is considering a case that involves prayers at the opening of government meetings.

An anti-Christianist in Greece, New York sued the town because they had opened their meetings with prayers that the resident considered “overtly Christian.” They claimed that the prayers violated their Constitutional right to not hear prayers.

A federal appears court ruled the city was violating the Constitution. Observers at the court noted the questions and tone of the judges indicated the Court would likely not agree with the lower court’s ruling as it stands.

The case has surprised some observers in that along with the usual social and religious conservative groups backing the town’s position what they’re doing is legal, the Obama administration has joined in support of the town.

The potentially decisive vote in the case, analysts believe, could be Justice Anthony Kennedy who seemed dissatisfied with the positions of both the town and the resident.

The case is expected to be decided by June.

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