Supporters Of Pastor Saeed Abedini Have Somber Christmas

The Christmas season has been a very somber one for the family and supporters of Pastor Saeed Abedini, imprisoned in Iran for being a Christian.

Pastor Saeed’s wife Neghmeh has criticized the Obama administration for not taking steps during recent negotiations and communications with Iran to have her husband freed.

“Initially, when I went to the U.S. government, they said we don’t have a direct relationship with Iran,” Naghmeh Abdeini said. “Here we were sitting across table from Iran. It was our best leverage. It should have been a precondition.”

She also was critical of an Obama administration action to release an Iranian copy who tried to steal nuclear weapon technology from the United States without securing the release of American captives.

Pastor Saeed’s lawyer Jay Sekulow said that he has been routinely beaten by fellow inmates and prison guards and is infested by lice.

Supporters are spending time today praying for the release of Pastor Abedini and for God to reunite him with his family.

2 thoughts on “Supporters Of Pastor Saeed Abedini Have Somber Christmas

  1. We should all have a “somber Christmas” by sending at least some of the money we spend on ourselves
    and others to help support the families of the captives. Our churches should take up collections to send
    to help the cause. God will surely bless us for blessing these families and churches instead of buying all
    the foolishness available in this country which gives us no blessing from God. It is time to wake up and
    takes a stand and do something to show there are still Christians in this non-Christian country. Franklin
    Graham is right! It is time for our pulpits to come alive again-show that we do care about Jesus Christ!

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