Pope Francis to Youths: Get Off The Internet

Pope Francis spoke to a group of 50,000 German alter servers and gave them a surprising message.  Instead of speaking of the Scriptures or some deep theological lesson, the Pope told the youths to get off the internet.

“Many young people waste too many hours on futile things,” the Pope said in a short speech to the altar servers.  “Our life is made up of time, and time is a gift from God, so it is important that it be used in good and fruitful actions.”

The Pope also listed activities as watching TV soap operas, smartphones and other similar items as things that could pull them away from serving others and making a difference in their families and community.

Pope Francis also told the youths that it is very easy to lose track of time when you are working with electronic devices and before you realize it hours have passed with nothing constructive being done.  He said that the time wasted on the internet and with electronics could be spent connecting to the Lord through prayer, meditation and study.

He called on the youths to create “a network not of wires, but of people.”

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