Lyme Disease On Increase

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and great signs from heaven.

As temperatures increase for the summer, scientists are noting an increase in ticks infected with Lyme disease. They have also released a study that shows an increase in Lyme disease rates in 21 states.

“There is a lot of different theories of Lyme disease increasing because of warming temperatures,” said Dr. Liza Whalen.

Most of the increases came in northern states throughout New England and in Virginia, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Most of the states showing drops were in the southeast such as Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi and Kentucky.

Deer ticks live in shady, moist areas. People who are involved in outdoor activities like camping, hiking and walking are encouraged to cover up, use a deet based repellent and wear lighter clothing that shows the ticks on the fabric.

Dr. Whalen said that Lyme disease is not like many other diseases in that you do not get immunity after being infected. Lyme disease can occur multiple times depending on the number of tick bites suffered by a victim.

One thought on “Lyme Disease On Increase

  1. Remember that the plagues of old were transferred via such blood sucker techniques. Tics, flees, flying dirty needles called mosquitoes, & so on . . . Such technique in wipe’N out populations without their even knowing about it.
    How much more with what is coming our way NOW-a-day?

    Because of Jesus,

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