Human Traffickers Convicted In England

Zechariah 7:10 ESV “Do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.”

Two brothers in Telford, England have been convicted of multiple charges related to trafficking of young girls. Ahdel and Mubarek Ali were convicted of 25 of 26 charges including controlling child prostitution and trafficking girls.

The crimes happened from March 2008 to December 2009. Four teenagers from Telford were kept by the brothers and forced to work as prostitutes or be abused by friends of the brothers. One teenager was sold by Mubarek Ali when she was four months pregnant.

The victims were taken to three separate restaurants to be sold to the workers and to associates of the brothers. One victim reported being taken to the locations to have sex with multiple men up to four times a week.

“I hope the verdicts provide some comfort for them and their families,” Harry Ireland, chief prosecutor with the West Midlands Crown Prosecution Service said.


One thought on “Human Traffickers Convicted In England

  1. I don’t understand why more of these human trafficking organizations aren’t stopped. I believe the powers that be know who alot of them they are. Why does it take an act of congress to stop this? this is not a “freedom of speech” issue any more than porn is. I also wonder how many of our abducted children of today are being taken for trafficking purposes? Wake up people! A prayer of one righteous person can create miracles, if we all pray, look at what GOD can do.

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