Former liaison to Congress Yoram Ettinger reminds us that Hezbollah’s true aim is to bring the great ‘American Satan’ to submission

Former liaison to Congress Yoram Ettinger reminds us that Hezbollah’s true aim is to bring the great ‘American Satan’ to submission

Revelation 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu expressed his appreciation for America’s support for Israel on Sunday, but he explained his charge that the Biden administration is holding up weapons Israel desperately needs.
  • Netanyahu stated, “About four months ago, there was a dramatic drop in the supply of armaments arriving from the US to Israel. For weeks we asked our American friends to speed up the shipments. We did it time and time again. We did this in the upper ranks, and in all ranks – and I want to emphasize – we did it behind closed doors. All kinds of explanations, but we didn’t get one thing: the basic situation didn’t change.”
  • The White House continues to deny it is slow-walking the weapons shipments, but after October 7th, the administration knocked all bureaucratic barriers out of the way to fast-track weapons to Israel. That, Jerusalem claims, is no longer happening.
  • Before Gallant left for Washington, he announced that Israel is prepared for action, if necessary, in Gaza, Lebanon, and elsewhere.
  • The Israeli Embassy in Washington’s former liaison to Congress, Yoram Ettinger, told CBN News
    • that Hezbollah isn’t just the enemy of Israel but of the U.S. as well. The Iranian-backed group has close ties with Latin American terror organizations and drug cartels and is helping train them for terrorism.
    • “They are focusing on the U.S. primarily, much more so than on Israel,” he noted. “Their aim, as they stated, is to bring the great American Satan to submission. At this time, to see the State Department pressuring Israel to switch from the military option on Hamas to the diplomatic option, and leaning on Israel to refrain from preempting an expected Hezbollah war, undermines not only any Israeli interest, it undermines homeland security in the U.S. itself.”
  • The Associated Press reports that Iranian-supported terrorist fighters in countries such as Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan say they’re ready to go to Lebanon and fight alongside Hezbollah if a full war breaks out.
  • Iran has even hinted that Tehran may involve its military.

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