“My son, attend to My Words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them (the Words of God) not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart…. Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life”. Proverbs 4:20-21, 23
There is a medicine so powerful it can cure every sickness and disease known to man. It has no dangerous side effects—and it is safe even in massive doses. And when taken on a daily basis according to directions, it can prevent illness altogether and keep you in good health.
This supernatural medicine does exist and is available to you every moment of every day. You don’t have to call your doctor to get it. You don’t even have to drive to the pharmacy. All you have to do is reach for your Bible and open it to Proverbs 4:20–24 and follow the instructions there. The instructions may sound simple, but these five verses contain the supernatural prescription (written by the Great Physician) for divine health. It is a powerful remedy that will work for anyone who will put it to work.
If you have received healing by the laying on of hands, following this prescription will help you keep and maintain your healing. If you have believed for healing, but continue to experience symptoms, it will help you stand strong until you are completely symptom free. And, if you are healthy now, it will help you to stay that way for the rest of your life!
Faithfully following the guidelines in these five verses will keep your attention on the Word of God and NOT on symptoms of sickness. Abraham was a good example of this principle. He “considered not his own body” (Romans 4:19). Instead of focusing on your present circumstances, focus on what God has said about you. Allow God’s Word to impart to you a new image of yourself. See yourself totally healed and continually walking in divine health.
MAKE GOD’S WORD YOUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY! What you keep before your eyes and listen to determines what you will believe in your heart and what you will act upon. Continue to see yourself healed in every way. See yourself strong, well, and whole. Take God’s medicine regularly as directed and trust the Great Physician to do His wonderful healing work in you!
Confess God’s Word the following way:
I attend to God’s Word, and incline my ear to His sayings.
I will not let His Word depart from my eyes.
I will keep it in the midst of my heart.
I will keep my heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:20-23
Jesus bore those stripes for your healing. (I Peter 2:24) You have been redeemed from the curse of the law which includes sickness, poverty and death. (Galatians 3:13) Continue to praise and thank God that His word is alive. The Word of God works–so stay in agreement with His Word. Healing belongs to you as a child of God.
He’s Alive!
Because He Lives you can too!
He Quickens Your Mortal Body!
You’re Forgiven!
He is Lord and He still heals today!
May you go out with joy and be led forth with peace. (Isaiah 55:12)
We are concluding this special memorial month of our Lord’s resurrection with the following song. It reveals who Jesus is throughout the whole Bible.
Morningside Prayer Line (417)779-4673