In Part I you learned more about your identity in Christ and that your victory is won by focusing on the greatness of God. You overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony according to Revelation 12:11……. When problems arise, remember that God’s Kingdom is within you! You are the righteousness of God in Christ because of what Jesus did for you at Calvary and what He has given to you—His righteousness! Let’s continue learning more about what to center our attention on in order to live victoriously!
What a blessing God has given us –to experience true peace and everlasting joy because of God’s Kingdom residing within us! The Scripture says “Great peace have they who mind is stayed on thee.” This is our responsibility – to guard our hearts and thoughts – to educate ourselves through studying God’s Word and what His principles are for His Kingdom kids!! Staying in the Lord’s peace and joy allows God to handle all your cares. God will not only take care of what is troubling you, but His abundance and His goodness will begin to show up in your life!
I Peter 5:7 — “Casting all your care upon Him for He careth for you.”
Become more aware of the gift of righteousness that Jesus has imparted to you. Your righteousness (right standing) is based upon Jesus’ sacrifice and that He took your place. Your perception of yourself needs to be adjusted to the truth in God’s Word. God sees you covered in the blood, living the resurrected life through Christ.
So, when troubles come and you are stretched in every direction emotionally, mentally and physically, determine to not focus on trying to “fix” everything. Instead, go back to the basics and seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. (Matthew 6:33) As you make this a priority, you will sense God’s peace and joy flowing from your inner man. God will take care of all your concerns. What a relief that you don’t have to carry them anymore.
Concentrate on God more than your problems!! Our God is a big God and He is aware of what you are going through and how you are feeling.
Think about the Christ within you as a believer. Focus on Him because He contains the provision for your every need! Christian, you are a representative of another Kingdom. You have been removed from the dark powers of satan’s kingdom. You are now in the Kingdom of God’s dear Son, Jesus!! This is your true identity!!
When I first began realizing through God’s Word who I was in Christ, I would recite out loud those scriptures that described my true position in Him. It is truly amazing how God looks at us and what Jesus did for us so we could live a victorious life.
Colossians 1:13 KJV – “Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son”
Stay focused on King Jesus and His Kingdom within you and God’s peace, joy and righteousness will rule and reign in your life. Think on Christ in you! Give God the glory for all the great things He has done and continues to do for you.
Thank you for this reminder…Staying focused on our Lord Jesus Christ…So important during these unsettling times…To know the Lord is to have peace within…May God continue to bless your ministry…