There’s a Rustling in the Mulberry Trees

When I came out of prison in 1994, E.V. Hill gave me a prophetic word from the Lord that I would raise up a “David’s Army”.  From the scriptures, we know that this is a fairly ragtag bunch, yet God used them in mighty ways to restore His beloved Israel.

In the Last Days, God is using whoever has a heart after Him.  You may think “well yes, He always did” and that’s a true statement.  But David’s Army came together in a time when the illegitimate authorities of the day were failing.  Saul had tried to win Israel’s battles but he did it in his own strength and with his own wisdom and he failed – but there was a time that all of Israel was enamored with him.

If you will remember, Saul’s kingship was the result of the proud and rebellious demands of a disobedient Israel that was much more concerned with how the king looked than with whom God had chosen.  The Bible says Saul stood a head taller than most men and was very handsome.  David, on the other hand, was a ruddy kid that God chose when He sent Samuel the Prophet to anoint him as King.  David was God’s choice – and Saul was the people’s choice.

Well, God gave Israel just what they asked for, but told them they would regret that choice in the years to come and they did.  But only after many of their sons had lost their lives because Saul was proud and  disobedient, and he went out to battle and made other decisions without consulting the God of Israel.  Eventually this disobedience caused him to be so hardened that he even consulted a witch.  Saul, in the end, committed suicide in a battle he could not win because God was not with him.

David, on the other hand, always consulted God before he went out to battle the enemies of Israel.  One such incident is recorded in 2 Samuel 5:24 when God spoke to David and said, “And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees, then you shall advance quickly. For then the LORD will go out before you to strike the camp of the Philistines.”  The principle is this:  Always seek God’s wisdom before you do anything and wait for His answer.  Ask God “what should I do?”  When you do that, He will go before you and move in your behalf!

In the Last Days, the true leaders of the Lord’s Army will arise, and they will inquire of the Lord what they should do.  Many of them will have been stripped of any self-importance in the valleys of life as David was, yet they go forward to do battle with the enemies of God because their heart belongs to Him alone – and God Himself has ordained them!  Man did not do it, and man cannot undo it.

As the leaders of the Lord’s Army arise, there is a “rustling in the mulberry trees” and the Lord is going out before them to move in their behalf!

On Being a Bondservant of Christ (Pt. 5)

Part Five

“Good Reputation a Qualification of Leaders”

When talking about being a “bondservant” of Christ, we have to take the Word of God and rightly divide it to come to the correct teaching about what it means to be a true bondservant.  Should we be concerned about our reputations?  Evidently so, because when Paul was instructing Timothy about the qualifications for a leader in the church, he said in 1 Timothy 3:7 AMP “Furthermore, he must have a good reputation and be well thought of by those outside [the church]…”  The entire chapter of 1 Timothy 3 instructs those who are leaders in varying capacities to be mindful of their behavior so that they will represent Christ Jesus in an honorable way.  The Bible even says that your children must behave well – Lord have mercy!

Have you ever seen the driver of a car with a religious bumper sticker exhibiting bad driving manners?  This example sounds a little foolish, but it’s true that those who are not Christians are always watching because they know a Christian is theoretically expected to be ‘Christ-like’.  Then, when they aren’t – it brings reproach not only on the person exhibiting the bad behavior, but also on Christ Jesus himself.  “Well, if that’s the way a Christian acts, I want no part of that. What a hypocrite!”  And that goes double if the person is the known leader of a Church.

Does being a bondservant of Christ mean that you will never behave badly, or that your flesh will never show up and show out, as they say?  Does it mean that we will never sin?

Does being a leader in the Body of Christ demand that all people everywhere think well of you?

I sure hope not – for if it does, I am completely undone.

But getting back to leaders:  Several of the Disciples of Christ described themselves as bondservants in the Bible.  Beginning as Disciples, and then later on, as Apostles – all of them were bondservants.   In the leadership of the Church as described in Ephesians 4:11,12 God gave Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, and Teachers to equip the saints for the work of ministry and to build up the Church.  Other leadership offices mentioned in the Bible were Deacon, Bishop and Elder.

For those who lead in the Church, a good reputation is a requirement.  But in our next conversation, we’ll balance the letter of the ‘law’ with the spiritual principles of  mercy, grace and love, remembering that Satan is the ‘accuser’ of the brethren.  We’re not going to excuse sin, but we will talk about how God’s chosen leaders struggled with their flesh.

And I promise you we will get to the topic of Christ making Himself of no reputation.

We will come back to this series “On Being a Bondservant of Christ” after this coming week’s program with Philip Cameron.  Be sure to tune in for a heart-stirring time with us on the show.

On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 1
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 2

On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 3
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 4
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 6
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 7
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 8
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 9
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 10

Who is on the Lord’s Side?

This was the question that Moses asked the people of Israel.  In those days, Moses stood as a type of Christ.  Exodus 32:26 says, “Then Moses stood in the gate of the camp and said, “Who is on the LORD’s side?”  Let him come unto me. And all the sons of Levi gathered themselves together unto him.”

Moses issued that confrontation to the people of Israel, God’s people, who had turned to worshipping idols as they waited for Moses’ return.  Only the sons of Levi came forward to separate themselves from the idol worship.  Only a select few answered that call to repentance.

Today, the Lord is drawing the same line in the sand.  He is calling out to His People “Who is on My side?”  The seriousness of the days we live in demand a sobriety and attention to the things of God.  They demand a concentration and a fixed gaze.  These are Revelation Days that we’re living in.  It’s no ordinary time in history – it’s an appointed time for which we have been chosen.    

If there ever was a time to consider the things of God and understand that the enemy (the devil) is engaging us in a spiritual battle, it is NOW.  Yet, people go on about their business as if this time is common.  It’s not!  The Word of God speaks of these Revelation Days in order to alert us to be ready and to be on guard, because your adversary (the devil) still roams about, seeking whom he may devour.

The fact that there is another side is something that most people miss in today’s church environment.  Spiritual warfare is greatly ignored by those who teach and those who call themselves shepherds.  These are the Revelation Days and that means these are days of intensified spiritual warfare against principalities, powers and spiritual wickedness – yet most Christians deny the battle and continue as if that reality wasn’t genuine.  Spiritual warfare is a serious reality in the Revelation Days and the Lord is again issuing the call.

When we answer that call  and step over the line in the sand to the Lord’s side, we identify ourselves as those who belong to the family of the living God, we arm ourselves with the armor of God, and we stand ready to do battle with the enemy.  We are shaken out of our lethargy and we are able to focus on His priorities.  We are no longer distracted or nonchalant.  We are no longer concerned with silly things that try to capture our spiritual attention and strength.   We never, never, never give up!  We keep on going even when we’re tired. 

We are on the Lord’s side!

On Being a Bondservant of Christ (Pt. 4)

Part Four

“No Reputation”

From a very young age, most of us have heard from our parents about having a “good reputation”, especially those of us who are girls.  It was not that long ago when it mattered.  People were concerned about their own morality and the morality of their children.  It was a different social atmosphere then – when integrity of heart and social behaviors really were the “stuff” of substance.

Businessmen were concerned about dealing fairly with their customers and their associates.  It was important to have a reputation of integrity in the community, and still is to some extent.  Without it, the business may suffer.  But big business has changed all that.  Why?  Because people are now concerned about only the short-term effects on their pocketbook instead of the long-term effects of moral, economic, and social corruption.  How else could a company like Enron manipulate so many people?

In the environment I grew up in, I was known as a “bad girl”.  My reputation was shot with those who still valued such things.  But I found acceptance and even admiration in a certain segment of the drug and alcohol culture.  Things were changing.  We were learning to value things that were worthless, and devalue those things that were priceless.  It was the age of drugs, sex and rock ‘n roll and those who were ‘hip’ redefined the culture.

Today, “reputation” is scoffed at as a social dinosaur.  Why?  Because we have seen in all too many headlines, the gap between how one is known by the public, and the reality of their true character when the intimate knowledge of hidden things are exposed.  Their “reputation” may have been excellent – their character just the opposite.

Remember when I said that “everything in the Kingdom of God is just exactly upside-down of what the world teaches?”  The world teaches us to guard our reputations – and the Bible teaches us to guard our hearts – for out of it flows the wellspring of life.

As a bondservant of Christ, we will give up worrying about what others think of us, especially in “church”.  In fact, we will surrender all that we are to the only One who deserves all our honor and praise.

In the next segment, we’re going to talk about how Jesus “made himself of no reputation”.


On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 1
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 2

On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 3
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 5
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 6
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 7
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 8
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 9
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 10

On Being a Bondservant of Christ (Pt. 3)

Part Three

Brokenness – A Prerequisite

I’ve often said that brokenness is a prerequisite for effective ministry.  Only through our own brokenness can we deliver the heart of God in ministry for others.  Why?  Because Jesus allowed Himself to be broken in every way, including His physical body and we are not above our Master.  But while we all honor Jesus for going to the Cross and allowing His body to be crucified so that we can have eternal life (John 3:16), we don’t often focus on His emotional brokenness which was so apparent in the Garden of Gethsemane and at other times in His life.

In the Garden, Jesus struggled with His friends.  He knew what was to come very shortly, that He would face the greatest trial of His life, and He wanted His friends to pray with Him.  That doesn’t sound like a tremendous request, does it?  Yet they could not even muster the commitment to pray – they chose to sleep instead.  Were they weak?  Oh yes they were.  But they failed even more in the hours ahead.  Some betrayed Jesus, one denied Him.  None stood with Him.  Jesus was alone, except for the Father, in Whom He trusted for His strength, emotional and physical.

Have you ever been through something and thought your friends had your back and that they would walk with you through it and support you, only to find that they would go with you a short distance – stand with you for a little while – pray with you for a short time – but in the end, you found yourself alone.  Not even Sister Super Saint would go the distance with you.  It was something you had to go through yourself in order to rely fully and wholly upon God alone, Who is the Only One who could sustain you.

Brokenness comes when everything and everyone around you fails you.  You prayed all your spiritual warfare prayers, and things just got worse.  Your called on your friends, but your friends couldn’t go the distance with you.  Religion fails you, even spiritual leaders sometimes fail you.  You come to the end of your reliance on anything that is earthly and you come to a surrender that you can survive with only one explanation – GRACE.  You now intimately know what it means when some other broken vessel says that God alone sustained them through something.

Jesus came to that place of brokenness and surrender – Job came as well.  David, Paul and John came too.  Mary Magdalene knew this place well – for she had found no greater love anywhere than at His feet.  When the pain and sorrow is so great that you can only whisper the Name – yet, you do – you do call out that Name Above All Names.  It is at that moment that God’s Amazing Grace sustains you and you have been given the honor of having your faith exercised by the trials you endure.

Up until now, you had thought you were a pretty good Christian.  But now you know that you can do nothing, absolutely nothing, in your own strength.  You can’t help others, though you thought you could, without being broken.  You can’t even walk the walk though you’ve talked the talk.  You have a new understanding that every step you take, every breath you inhale is dependent on Him.

Your reputation?  Ha!  Jesus made Himself of NO reputation.  We’ll discuss that next.


On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 1
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 2

On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 4
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 5
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 6
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 7
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 8
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 9
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 10

On Being a Bondservant of Christ (Pt. 2)

Part Two


Remembering that everything in the Kingdom of God is just exactly upside-down of what the world teaches, even our own churches tell on themselves by the messages they preach.  Are we raising up disciples or are we only another representation of a world system masquerading as a “church”?

The Gospel of Christ is referred to as a “mystery” in the Bible.  That’s because you can’t understand it at all unless God himself shows you by His Spirit, and you can’t fake it with real Christians who know what it means to be “saved”.  Christians know the Lord’s voice – and another they will not follow.  The Lord said that many will say to Him “Lord, Lord… didn’t we…” and with one of the most chilling responses I’ve ever read, Jesus answers “away from me, I NEVER KNEW YOU”.  You will never get to heaven by knowing how to maneuver within the Christian community.  You may fool a few naïve people, but you will never fool God.

When Paul came to the saving knowledge of Christ, he was completely undone.  Everything he had thought was right, was wrong.  The day Paul had held the garments of those who stoned Stephen (a true bondservant of Christ), he thought he was doing God a service.  But when God spoke to him, he said “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute ME?”  What Paul’s religion had taught him was wrong.  Paul had participated in killing the true bondservant of God because his religion blinded him to the truth and the saving knowledge of Christ.

It’s a scary thought, isn’t it?  Is it even possible to be that deceived today, that we would do diabolic things and think we are doing God a service?  It should be a lesson all of us apply to ourselves, yet we most often think of others when we hear it.

Dieing to self is a term that is tossed around all too easily in Christiandom.  Yet, dying to self is one of the requirements of being a bondservant of Christ.  In much of today’s modern Christianity, we hear so much about “fulfilling your purpose” and “how to live your best life now” and many other self-focused teachings.  Most of it stands in sharp contrast to what is really important in the Kingdom of God.

Modern Christianity wants you to have “self” esteem.  Jesus wants you to esteem others more highly than yourself.   Humility is not something that is valued in today’s society, even in churches.  The humble are considered weak and the mantra we have heard over and over is that only the strong survive.

Yet, Paul said “let the weak say I am strong.”

Paul, who was a true bondservant of Christ, when he wrote to the Galatians said:  “My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”

Being crucified with Christ and dying to self are so comprehensive that it’s hard to talk about these topics without writing an entire book – and many people have.  But the point I want to make in this series “On Being a Bondservant of Christ” is that we must return to the teachings of Christ in His Word to make sure our hearts are right with God.  No longer can we afford to appease the flesh with easy things that sound spiritual, but aren’t.  The time is short.  Jesus is coming soon!  I want to be ready!

(to be continued)



On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 1
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 3
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 4
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 5
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 6
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 7
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 8
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 9
On Being a Bondservant of Christ – Part 10

This Generation Will Not Pass…

Matthew 24 is a passage of Scripture that tells what to look for just before the Lord returns.  Jim preaches from it often.  Right after the Word tells about wars, earthquakes, famines, etc., it says that this generation will not pass away before we see the coming of the Lord. 

What generation?  The generation that is living at the time those things spoken of in Matthew 24 are happening. 

The New Living Bible says it like this:  “I tell you the truth, this generation will not pass from the scene until all these things take place.”

Unless you completely ignore the signs of the times, you must know that we ARE the last generation – it’s not a cliche’, it’s a reality.  We are truly a chosen generation – chosen to occupy this earth and see the Lord coming again in great Glory and Power.

Have you ever thought about why He would choose you and me to be here at this time in history?  Some think we’re here by accident – the product of happenstance.  Yet, those who are truly believers of Jesus Christ know that nothing in this universe is happenstance with our God. 

There are so many scriptures that tell us we are not an accident – we were planned before the foundations of the earth.  Think about that for just a minute.  Before our Creator made the earth that we live on, He knew us and knew we would occupy that earth at this crucial time in the history of the world.

We are a chosen generation.  With that, comes privilege, and with privilege comes responsibility.

Spiritual truths are being revealed every day that herald the Second Coming.  Light is equivalent to truth, and when we receive light or truth we have more responsibilities. So not only do we have more light today, but we also have more accountability.

The more truth that we understand, the more you and I are required to walk in the level of understanding we have been given and to carry that light to others.  That’s why many people will only go so far with God and then they balk at knowing the deeper things.  They know they will be held accountable!  I wouldn’t want to stand before God and tell Him that I refused His gifts because I didn’t want to be accountable for them.  As a matter of fact, there is a parable about that in Matthew 25, and the end of the one who would not use what God had given him wisely – well, let’s just say it doesn’t end well.

In the last generation, God is sending a message of truth to the entire world, and after you receive that message of truth, it draws a line in the sand for you. 

Now in the last generation, Jesus has chosen you to carry the message of truth to a sin-sick world.  Much of this world has so twisted things that they now call evil good, and good evil.  But truth is always the standard bearer in this earth.  The scriptures tell us that when evil comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God will lift up a standard against it.  Will you do it?  Will you be His standard bearer in these Last Days?

There has been so much talk and preaching about a purposeful life – but there is no greater purpose under heaven than to be a standard bearer for the Lord Jesus in these Last Days!

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? (Pt. 1)

Some dramatic events on God’s calendar must take place before the Lord returns to earth, and many of these are not going to be pretty.  Those Christians who have adopted a materialistic, escapist view of the Christian life may be terribly surprised.

Many of the world crises we are beginning to experience were predicted in the Bible hundreds of years ago.  What is shocking, however, is the rapid-fire speed at which these events are now racing ahead.  Against all odds, the frameworks of the world’s economic, political, and social systems are being shaken and are beginning to crumble.

Before going any further, allow me to make a confession:  I do not understand everything the Bible reveals to us concerning the Second Coming.  I consider myself a student of the Scriptures, but I must admit, I still have questions about many aspects of eschatology, the study of future things.  I do not know when Jesus is coming – it may be in my lifetime or it may not – but I believe He will return to Earth in power and glory, just as He said.

I used to listen in amazement (and sometimes with amusement) to some of the prophecy teachers we hosted at PTL.  With their charts and graphs they would dogmatically teach exactly when the events described in the book of Revelation were going to come to pass.  “This is going to happen, then this will happen, and then will be the Battle of Armageddon…” on and on they would go.  I do not mean to imply that these teachers were insincere in their teaching or unlearned in the Scriptures.  They were godly Bible teachers who felt strongly that they had exceptional insight or an unusual understanding of a complicated message.

Yet the truth is, we do not know when Jesus Christ is going to return.  I can point you to the Scriptures that describe what will happen before His coming; I can (and will in the pages ahead) show you Scriptures that describe His return in power.  But to set a date for His return is not my intention.  Jesus said, “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” (Mark 13:32 NKJV).  In one of His last statements to His disciples, after the Resurrection and just before He ascended into heaven, Jesus said, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has put in His own authority” (Acts 1:7 NKJV).  For me to give you a play-by-play description of the events scheduled to take place in the future, events whose timing is known only to our heavenly Father, would be the height of presumption on my part.

On the other hand, I do not subscribe to the popular notion that it is impossible for us to know approximately when to expect our Lord’s return.  Many Christians are fond of saying, “I am neither pretribulational or posttribulational.  I am pantribulational.  I just believe it will all pan out in the end.”

That’s a cute (and non-confrontational) way to look at the last days, but it flies in the face of Scripture.  Jesus definitely gave us a lot of information concerning His return and, as I noted previously, numerous signs to watch for, signs indicating that the time of His return is near.

Sometimes I wish Jesus had been more specific in the information He gave to us.  Imagine all the theological arguments He could have prevented if He hand only said, “I am coming back at the beginning of the Tribulation period, or the middle, or the end of the Tribulation.”  Better yet, He could have said, “I am coming back on January 1, 20XX, so be ready.”

(To Be Continued)

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 2
Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 3

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 4

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 5

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 6

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 7

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 8

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 9

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 10

Will We Go Through the Tribulation? – Part 11

Excerpt from Prosperity and the Coming Apocalypse

Published in 1998



The Coming Apocalypse

The signs of the end times are all around us.

The recent earthquake in Japan is presenting an abundance of end-time catastrophes that will ripple through the entire world.  Our country is certain to be impacted by the economic crises these events have triggered.  Already they are closing auto manufacturing plants that are dependent on Japanese supply chains which have broken down.  I believe this earthquake in Japan is going to trigger an economic meltdown worldwide.

A dear friend and prophet, Bob Hartley, brought a message recently about five supernatural waves that will impact our nation, and the first of these is an economic wave.  That wave is about to overtake us!  We must be prepared!

In 1998, my book “PROSPERITY and the COMING APOCALYPSE” was published.  Even as I was in the process of writing the book, I felt like the Lord was saying that although it was noteworthy information for the year 1998, it would be much more received in a future time, a time when people everywhere were seeking answers for the turmoil in our world.  I believe that time is now.  This is not just a book of prophecy, it is a book of survival.  It is available in our online store or by calling 1(888)988-1588.

“PROSPERITY and the COMING APOCALYPSE” addresses such issues as:

  • Why I believe a coming world economic collapse will lead to terrorism and possibly war.
  • How recent weather patterns, violent tornadoes, and earthquakes are just the beginning of a world out of control.
  • When and why meteors will hit the earth, causing massive, unprecedented destruction.
  • What Christians ought to be spending their time, energy, and resources doing in these “last days”.
  • How to have hope in the face of difficult times and survive the coming apocalypse.

In the days ahead, you may be stripped of everything you have ever held dear.  You may lose your money, your home, your material possessions, your career, your spouse or other family members.  Please do not be dismayed.  I have been through the stripping and I can tell you that the Savior will never leave you nor forsake you, no matter how dark or difficult the days ahead.

God will take care of us through the coming apocalypse and beyond!  And we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!



The Four Horses of the Apocalypse are Riding Now

Revelation events are happening one right after another such as wars, earthquakes and tsunamis around the world. The world has looked on as Japan has experienced what newscasters call a biblical event of epic proportion.

Every day, we are rapidly moving deeper into the Revelation Days, the days the Bible refers to as the Last Days. Paul declares in 2 Timothy Chapter 3:1-4 “This know also, that in the Last Days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God. Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” I know you have to agree with me that everything Paul says here is happening right now! Continue reading