The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 2)

I began my recollection of the vision with the explanation that I believed the year 2000 would be the beginning of what Jesus calls “the beginning of birth pangs” (Matthew 24:8). The Bible describes this period as a time of great distress, but God assured me that during this period to come, it would also be a time of supernatural healing and supply for His people.

The Visions of the Thirty-One Things

One of the first things I remember God speaking to me was that two major earthquakes would be coming to the world. One of them was an earthquake coming to Japan that would signal the beginning of a total financial collapse of the world economy. READ MORE

The Thirty-One Things (Pt. 1)

In 1999 I received an invitation to speak at a prophetic conference to be held on New Year’s Eve. This was not just another end-of-the-year celebration, with people praying and asking God’s blessing on the coming year or partying as a giant ball slowly descended in Times Square. No, this was Y2K, an anagram for the year 2000, the eve of the new millennium.

I was humbled and honored to be asked to speak publicly. I hadn’t been out of prison that long, and I was still uncomfortable about standing behind a pulpit. But the people sponsoring the conference were friends, so I accepted their invitation. READ MORE

The Wedding You Don’t Want to Miss!

Lori and I, along with nearly 100 other couples, just renewed our wedding vows with Rabbi Cahn officiating. This was a blessed event with an End Times message for the Church encapsulated in every detail of the festivities. We are sure that even mature Christians who have been in the Church all their lives, received new revelation about the significance of marriage – one to another – and Christ to His bride, the Church. It’s time for the Bride to get ready NOW.

In my book, “Time Has Come,” I talk about the wedding supper of the Lamb from the Apostle John’s perspective. Here’s an excerpt I know you will enjoy: READ MORE

You’re Not Free-falling!

Most people associate free-falling with an exhilarating experience that many skydivers crave. Jumping out of an airplane without deploying your parachute until you absolutely must, is an example of free-falling through the air. I’ve been told that there is no feeling like it – and I believe it! The only control you have when you are free-falling is over the ripcord, hopefully.

Our recent visit from Bobby Conner was very eventful to say the least. One of the things we talked about was how I had felt so out of control in my recent bout with stress – stress that landed me in the hospital and produced some frightening symptoms. I had no idea where to find the ripcord as my body’s defenses plummeted. READ MORE

Stress is a Killer

“Stress is a killer,” a well-known fact that I found accurate… the hard way. I had heard the expression many times over my lifetime, but the reality of it hits home when you find yourself landed in the hospital with life-threatening symptoms. The bottom line diagnosis and remedy was echoed by several doctors… de-stress or die!

Encarta defines stress as: mental, emotional, or physical strain caused, e.g. by anxiety or overwork. It may cause such symptoms as raised blood pressure or depression. READ MORE

Rooted and Grounded in the True Gospel

The false “gospel” being preached today says that Jesus came to save people from a lack of money, a lack of purpose, a lack of happiness, or from living a stress-filled and problem-filled existence, i.e. “Happy Church.”

In fact, Jesus said, “…In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” (1 John 16:33 NIV)

In days to come, we must be rooted in the knowledge of a Gospel that is so pure it’s unchallengeable! The true Gospel sets sinners free who are destined for God’s wrath unless they come to the saving knowledge of the grace of Christ and His death in our place (John 3:16). This is the Gospel Paul and John and all the disciples preached. READ MORE

Don’t Be Distracted – These are Critical Times!

One of the dangers of the End Times is hearing so much and understanding so little. Even the church fails to discern the meaning of End Time events because they have heard it so much and so often, it has lost its impact. We can’t become desensitized to End Times events!

We are bombarded every day with information from every direction. For me, that information can be a distraction, even when it concerns the administration of our world-wide television ministry. Sometimes, a constant flow of information is just a distraction from the greater thing. We cannot allow administration or any other thing to distract us from the main thing. READ MORE

My Daily Walk (Pt. 3)

I will humble myself and walk daily in humility before my God.

2 Chronicles 32:24-26 NCV

At that time Hezekiah became so sick he almost died. When he prayed to the LORD, the LORD spoke to him and gave him a sign. But Hezekiah did not thank God for his kindness, because he was so proud. So the LORD was angry with him and the people of Judah and Jerusalem. But later Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem were sorry and stopped being proud, so the LORD did not punish them while Hezekiah was alive.


2 Samuel 15:30 NCV (David always humbled himself before God!)

David went up the Mount of Olives, crying as he went. He covered his head and went barefoot. All the people with David covered their heads also and cried as they went.


My Daily Walk (Pt. 2)

I will humble myself and walk daily in humility before my God

Isaiah 57:15

And this is the reason: God lives forever and is holy. He is high and lifted up. He says, “I live in a high and holy place, but I also live with people who are sad and humble. I give new life to those who are humble and to those whose hearts are broken.

Matthew 18:2-4

Jesus called a little child to him and stood the child before his followers. Then he said, “I tell you the truth, you must change and become like little children. Otherwise, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. The greatest person in the kingdom of heaven is the one who makes himself humble like this child. READ MORE

My Daily Walk (Pt. 1)

When I left prison, the Lord gave me 15 things that I wrote down that I determined in my heart that I would do from then on.  I’m going to share these with you and show you what the Word says about each one.  You know, it’s time now to return to the Bible and focus on each and every word that comes from it.  As we can see, all around us people everywhere are losing the ability to distinguish right from wrong and  truth from error.  We will find the answers to all that we seek ONLY in the Word of God. READ MORE