Why We Prepare

My good friend, John Shorey, has recently been with us for several days and we’ve had some of the most enlightening discussions to-date! John keeps telling people to keep an open mind about when the rapture occurs (according to scripture) and have spiritual eyes and ears to hear what the scriptures really say. I agree!

We have to read the Bible for ourselves in this day and time, and not lean on what we’ve “been taught” all our lives. Trusting in other people’s understanding of the End Times may cause you more suffering than necessary! READ MORE

24/7 Prayer!

Dear Friends and Partners,

One of my life-long dreams, first implemented at Heritage USA in the Upper Room, is to have the ability to serve the spiritual needs of people with prayer available 24/7! That dream lives on today at Morningside where I am excited to announce that united prayer ascends to God twenty-four hours a day in behalf of His people in these Last Days.

Prayer is the foundation upon which anything is built. We believe in and practice constant prayer for the needs of people, the nation and the world. I believe there is no burden so great, no need so insignificant, no situation so grave as to be beyond the power of prayer. READ MORE

FOX News: Why Billy Graham has hope for America

Billy Graham turns 95 on November 7. Happy Birthday!

While age and health restricts his mobility, Graham is still doing what he’s always done since 1949, he’s preaching the Gospel.

For more than 60 years, the country preacher from humble beginnings in North Carolina has become a global evangelist and statesman for God.

In that role, he has prayed personally with presidents, kings, queens, world leaders, celebrities and filled stadiums with common folk eager to hear his inspiring message. He is celebrating his birthday with a national outreach called “My Hope America.”

Source: FOX News – FOX News: Why Billy Graham has hope for America

The Rapture Chapter (Pt. 6)

The good news is that God will reward His servants, the small and the great (Matthew 16:27; Revelation 22:12). The bad news is that He will “destroy those who destroy the earth,” not just ecologically, but through the effects of their sin. Ironic, isn’t it? The people who live for the earth and its pleasures are often the ones who are destroying the very world they worship. In truth, the world does not belong to them. READ MORE

Brunei To Install New Strict Sharia Law

The sultanate of Brunei has announced that a new code of laws based on a strict interpretation of Sharia Law will go into effect in six months.

The law allegedly will only be enforced on Muslims.

Brunei already had stricter Islamic laws than many surrounding nations including the banning of alcohol. The new law will allow death by stoning to anyone convicted of adultery and the severing of limbs for theft.

Punishments for consuming alcohol could include public flogging. Ironically, abortion is not considered murder than would only be punished by flogging.

Brunei’s Islamic laws had been limited mostly to family courts as the criminal code has been similar to the country’s days as a British protectorate. The sultan pledged to give judges discretion in sentencing of convicts.

The Rapture Chapter (Pt. 5)

First, there is the announcement of victory by “loud voices in heaven” (Revelation 11:15). The voices could come from angelic choirs or the saints who are already in heaven. The Bible doesn’t say specifically. What is important is the content of their announcement: “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever” (v. 15). This is the moment we believers have been waiting for—the Rapture!

What leads me to view this moment as the true Rapture? I noticed that prior passages referred to Jesus as “Him who is and who was and who is to come” (1:4; 4:8). In Revelation 11:17, however, He is referred to as the One “who is and who was” (niv). The King James Version includes the phrase “and art to come,” but these words are not in the Greek. In fact, John no longer needs to include the words “and is to come” because, at this point, Jesus has returned! READ MORE

The Rapture Chapter (part 4)

The third woe found in Revelation 11:19 is the turning point in the visions given to the apostle John. Clearly, the best and the worst will happen now.

The seventh angel blows the seventh trumpet (11:15), the last trumpet blast mentioned in the Bible. This is it! Time has come! Jesus is coming back with this last trumpet! We know from the other overlays of scripture that the following events will occur simultaneously. READ MORE

Breaking Prophetic Word from Jim Bakker

God spoke to me many months ago that great confusion is coming to America and today begins a major sea change of events that will bring more world events and natural events that will bring a shaking to not only our country but to the whole world! On today’s live broadcast and also tomorrow I will be sharing a Major dream of what is coming next! Pray for Wisdom for all of our leaders and for those who minister in the Church of Jesus Christ! READ MORE

Breaking Prophetic Word

UPDATE 10/1/2013: God spoke to me many months ago that great confusion is coming to America and today begins a major sea change of events that will bring more world events and natural events that will bring a shaking to not only our country but to the whole world! On today’s live broadcast and also tomorrow I will be sharing a Major dream of what is coming next! Pray for Wisdom for all of our leaders and for those who minister in the Church of Jesus Christ! READ MORE

The Rapture Chapter (Pt. 3)

Apparently this event is going to receive worldwide attention, because every¬one around the world will be transfixed by the images they will see on their televisions, computers, smartphones, and tablet computers, not to mention the amount of traffic on social media outlets. The news media will be over-whelmed trying to describe and analyze the significance of these developments in the Middle East. The Antichrist will want the whole world to see that he has won and that God’s prophets are dead (Revelation 11:9).

Worse still, the world will respond happily, even gleefully. The scene will be like a satanic Christmas celebration, a counterfeit yuletide, as people rejoice over the deaths of God’s messengers (v. 10). Ironically, this is the only rejoicing we’ll see in Revelation until Christians get to heaven. Obviously the preaching of these two prophets will anger most people. READ MORE