Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 7)

Summation:  God says He is punishing the harlot, this Mystery Babylon because of what she’s done to you.  What’s going on in America right now?  America is punishing Christians, persecuting them!  If you don’t believe it, you don’t know Jesus!  If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He’s banned… we can’t use His name, we can’t even put his Cross on our army’s tent for a chaplain.  They’ve even been outlawing Bible in some of the places for the chaplains.

What’s going on?  They’ve rewritten the Bible!  We’ve murdered 55 million babies and don’t think anything of it!  Come one people!  Are we that hard-hearted?  Are we that cold?  Are we that insane that we don’t understand?  It’s talked as if abortion is a good thing.

Evil is being spoken of as good, and good as evil.  Christians have become second-class citizens in a country that was founded on faith in God.  Those who have faith in God are now being punished.  You can’t preach the Bible publically, really.  You can’t stand up against anything without being put down, without being destroyed.  READ MORE

Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 6)

Verse 10:  They will be afraid of her suffering and stand far away and say:  “Terrible!  How terrible for you, great city, powerful city of Babylon, because your punishment has come in one hour!”  God’s name for any wicked city is Babylon.  Even when Jerusalem would turn against God, God would call her Babylon.

Verse 11:  “And the merchants of the earth will cry and be sad about her, because now there is no one to buy their cargoes…”  Now if this Babylon was the Catholic Church, as some believe, this verse wouldn’t even make sense.  Would the merchants cry over the Catholic Church going bankrupt?  I doubt it.  But this verse means even the people in China will weep over this one.  Because when the economy breaks down, no one will buy Chinese goods!  No one will buy anything because the system won’t work.

So, what is this harlot about?  What is all this about? READ MORE

Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 5)

Back to Verse 4: “Then I heard another voice from heaven saying: “Come out of that city, my people, so that you will not share in her sins, so that you will not receive the disasters that will come to her.” You say, “Jim, don’t preach about disasters!” I can’t help it! The Revelation is from Jesus Christ, so here’s Revelation and it’s Jesus Christ speaking: He says, “so that you will not receive the disasters that will come to her!” If you’re in love with the financial systems, and put all your hope in the financial systems, when it comes apart…. When I was in prison, the Lord spoke to me to go out and warn the people. If somebody doesn’t warn the people, the church people are going to blow their brains out because it will crash! That was over 20 years ago. God said to tell the people to fall in love with Him – not money. If they don’t, they will blow their brains out when it all crashes. READ MORE

West Virginia Fire Department Finds Source of Chemical Spill

Investigators from a West Virginia Fire Department and the state Department of Environmental Protection found the source of a chemical leak that contaminated the water for up to 300,000 residents in West Virginia.

The source was a leak from a 48,000 gallon storage tank located along the Elk River. The storage tank is a source of water for the 1,500 mile pipeline that carries water to customers throughout central and southwestern West Virginia.

Although the source has been found, this did not solve the problem. More than 1,000 calls were placed in four to five hours to the 911 center, 24 of those calls were for emergency medical services who took approximately five people to local hospitals.

Local business owner, Patricia Peal, not only had to close her floral shop, but also told CNN how the chemical spill is affecting West Virginia citizens.

“It’s all very hectic. You don’t even want to go to the grocery store. I think everyone is in a panic.”

Chemical Spill in West Virginia Contaminates Water for Up to 300,000 People

West Virginia called a tap water ban for up to 300,000 of its residents due to a chemical spill in the Elk River.

West Virginia Governor, Ear Ray Tomblin, along with the Federal Government declared a state of emergency while bottled water was dispensed to emergency services agencies in the counties hit by the chemical spill.

According to the West Virginia American Water Company, the contaminated water gives off a strange licorice-like smell. The West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources also said that touching or drinking the water could cause these symptoms: severe burning in throat, severe eye irritation, non-stop vomiting, trouble breathing, or severe skin irritation such as skin blistering.

Residents were told not to drink, bathe, or cook with the water and only use it for flushing and fire related emergencies.

Mystery Babylon Revealed (Pt. 4)

Revelation 18:3 “She has been ruined, because all the peoples of the earth have drunk the wine of the desire of her sexual sin.” Forgive me if this offends you, but every one of them wanted to have ‘social intercourse’ with her. They have relationships with the stock market – they have relationships with pride and with all the manufacturing. This passage is not just talking about a physical sexual relationship, but a spiritual fornication – body, soul, mind, spirit has captivated all of mankind. And that almighty dollar has literally taken over all the world. The dollar itself has become an idol and that’s what mystery Babylon is.

Mystery Babylon, I believe is what the city of New York represents and that is the whore – that is the prostitute that is referred to in Revelation Chapter 18. And it’s this prostitute that we are committing spiritual fornication with. In other words, it’s the monetary systems – the power of all sales, all wholesale, the whole financial system that is antichrist. That system has turned against God – even so that the Christmas season would be the biggest money-maker in the world – the Lord’s birthday! It’s the birthday of Jesus Christ and yet He is not allowed at His own birthday party! READ MORE

New Jersey Focusing On Stopping Human Trafficking

Multiple anti-trafficking groups and police studies have shown a significant increase in forced prostitution and human trafficking around major events like the Super Bowl. In New Jersey, the state has been working for years to toughen trafficking laws although they have had their efforts stopped by federal judges.

“New Jersey has a huge trafficking problem,” U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., co-chairman of the House anti-human trafficking caucus, told Fox News. “One Super Bowl after another after another has shown itself to be one of the largest events in the world where the cruelty of human trafficking goes on for several weeks.”

Investigators say the stadium’s proximity to New York City and the major northeastern interstate systems make this year’s Super Bowl an even more major target for traffickers.

A human trafficking survivor and anti-trafficking advocate says some people aren’t even sports fans.

“The Super Bowl is a huge, huge arena for sex trafficking,” Danielle Douglas told Fox. Some visitors “are coming to the Super Bowl not even to watch football — they are coming to the Super Bowl to have sex.”

New Jersey government officials say they have been training police to spot signs of trafficking since the announcement of the Super Bowl at MetLife Stadium.

Mystery Babylon Revealed (pt. 3)

Why did we erase the scripture that says, “the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim 6:10)? The church has embraced the love of money! The number one thing that God is telling us is that He really, really hates a harlot that takes His place (Exodus 20:3).

If I had another woman somewhere, do you think Lori would be happy? How do you think God feels? Sin is anything that comes between us and God.

God made the ten horns want to carry out His purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until what God has said comes about (vs. 17). The woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth (vs. 18). This harlot, she rules over the kings, these ten people who are going to connect for a little while… not very long. They want her money – they want her power.

I believe the ‘head’ of money is located in New York City. I believe the base of the financial system of the world is the stock market – New York City. New York City is the financial capital of the world because the stock market is there. READ MORE

Flu Cancels Alaska Flights

Twenty-four flights were canceled on Sunday and Monday after flu-stricken pilots and flight attendants working for Alaska Airlines called in sick.

According to Alaska spokeswoman Bobbie Egan, approximately 270 passengers were affected by canceled flights.

Off-duty pilots and flight attendants volunteered to work while their colleagues were out sick according to Egan.

The airline anticipates a less busy Tuesday, and says it probably won’t have to cancel any more flights due to illness.

Flu Outbreak in Pennsylvania

Although flu season is usually at its worst in January or February, health officials in Pennsylvania report flu outbreaks in at least half of the regions of the state.

There have been nearly 1,200 cases of influenza between September 29 and December 21 with the worst hit areas in western Pennsylvania according to the State Health Department.

Last year’s flu season put 381,000 people in the hospital nationwide, which is the most since

2005 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).