President George W. Bush Shares Importance of Bible Reading

Every day for eight years, the President of the United States spent time reading, studying and meditating on the Word of God.

That’s the message that President George W. Bush told a group of 200 civic and business leaders in Dallas on Sunday.

“I read the Bible every day during my presidency,” said Bush.  “The easiest time to be faithful is during a time of crisis. The hardest time for faith is when all is well. Faith informed my principles and decisions, but not my tactics. It would give me strength, but I didn’t use my faith to make decisions. Freedom is a faith informed principle.”

The President spoke with Hobby Lobby president Steve Green at an event to raise funds for the Museum of the Bible that is scheduled to open in Washington, D.C. in 2017.

President Bush praised the museum.

“The museum is a great idea. It’s very important that the Museum of the Bible invites and makes people of all faiths feel comfortable. It will be an important part of our capital,” he said.

Essentials for Perilous Times

The world is getting to be a very scary place and threats of pestilences of Biblical proportions are not just threats – they’re realities right now. We sincerely believe that God has given us revelatory knowledge about how to survive in the face of these threats in days the Bible describes as “perilous times.”  We have Spirit-filled medical doctors that also believe we have been given wisdom and revelation in the things that can help in these End Times …because it is the End Times!  Their wisdom comes with a great deal of professional knowledge and expertise, and we trust what they say.

It’s our desire to get this revelatory knowledge into your hands so that you too can have the best fighting chance against attacks on your physical being.  Staying strong and healthy is not just for us, but for everyone!  READ MORE

Prophetic Warnings and Faith

I’ve written before about how God inspires prophetic utterances, and how they sometimes startle me. But, the truth is that I’ve learned to distinguish God’s voice and trust Him when He says something.  That comes with years and years of having my senses trained by the Holy Spirit to know when something is an important message for others in the Body of Christ.

The Bible says that your senses are trained with use.  If you refuse to use what He gives you, you could lose the ability to hear, i.e. if you don’t use it, you lose it!  You must always be willing to “stick your neck out” because if you hold back on what the voice of the Lord gives you, you could eventually lose the ability to discern His voice, or He would simply go on to someone else who would be obedient to speak what He gives you. READ MORE

Shots Fired in Canadian Parliament Building; Soldier Killed

Police are on the hunt for several suspects after a series of shootings took place in three locations in Ottawa, including the Parliament building.

Witnesses reported a gunman shooting and killing a military guard posted at the National War Museum, then entering the adjacent Parliament building where multiple shots were heard around 10 a.m. Wednesday morning. Shots were also reported at the Rideau Centre shopping center, located only a few blocks away from the Parliament building.

The attacks were reported hours after Canada raised its terror threat level due to the death of another soldier on Monday. The soldier was killed by a radical jihadist.

At this time there is no confirmation that any of this week’s attacks are linked to ISIS or any terrorist organization.

Obedience is Better than Sacrifice

We have been talking a lot on the show about the prophecies of David Wilkerson, some written over 30 years ago.  We now know they’re for today because we can see them coming to pass before our very eyes.  We believe that these prophecies have been illuminated for this time in our prophetic juncture so that God could remind His people of His faithfulness.

The referrals we are making to David’s books and prophecies are not to lift him up, because even he would resist that!  No, we are not flattering anybody – we are simply declaring the word that he prophesied because it rings true with the Bible and with everything going on in our world.

Our use of David Wilkerson’s books and prophecies have caused quite a stir, even a phenomenon on line – the value of anything he has written has skyrocketed to ridiculous numbers!  I wish David were still here to see this happening, but I know he is finally smiling from heaven. READ MORE

The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 6)

When I was in prison, I searched every scripture for a pre-tribulation rapture.  I searched and searched.  I read everybody’s book, all the prophetic teachers’ books, and not one of them gave scripture for a pre-tribulation Rapture.  Scofield’s notes were as close as they could get to proving a pre-tribulation Rapture in the Bible and the Scofield notes are not the written Word of God; they’re notes!

Yet, here you have it in plain speak, in Matthew 24. It doesn’t get any clearer than this:

“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn.” READ MORE

The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 5)

John then told me about a pastor that contacted him and ordered 150 of his books for his church.  This pastor had a Dr. of Theology degree, very strong in the Word, and has pastored for over 40 years in a well-known and well-respected denomination that has preached a pre-trib rapture forever!   John read from his letter:

“Dear John,

I pastor a large Baptist church in North Carolina, and as such I have been taught and have taught for many years that there would be a pre-tribulation rapture. Several weeks ago, a member of my previous congregation called and told me that I just had to read your book. As I told you on the phone, I probably would not have purchased this book at first glance at a book store. But at my friend’s insistence, I ordered it. I did my first reading per the advice of a former college professor who told us to read books like we eat fish, ‘eat the meat and spit out the bones.’ In other words, if you stop reading a book at the first place where you disagree with the author, you will probably never finish, or you will finish very few books. READ MORE

The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 4)

John went on to talk about how we will know when the Lord is coming again:  “I want to share the revelation that God gave me. And that revelation is in Matthew 24 verse 3. Jesus’ disciples, they wanted to know, ‘When are you coming?’ They corner him on the Mount of Olives. I can just see him. It’s like Jesus is getting ready to go and they know he’s not going to be around much longer. ‘And before you leave, Lord, you’ve got to tell us; what are we supposed to be looking for? What are we going to have to go through?’”

“As Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately. ‘Tell us,’ they said, ‘when will this happen, and what will be the sign of your coming in the end of the age?’ When Jesus’ disciples ask this question, ‘What will be the sign of your coming?’ Do you know what they were really asking? ‘Lord, what are we going to see leading up to your coming? What are we going to have to go through leading up to your coming?’” READ MORE

The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 3)

So many are realizing that just maybe we’re going to go through some things before the rapture. That is an amazing change of heart and mind, especially for pastors. I recently heard from a pastor that changed his mind about the timing of the rapture after preaching a pre-tribulation rapture for 40 years! I know that had to be hard for him, because it was hard for me, too, when God changed my mind after I studied every word of the Bible while in prison. And they say you can’t be rehabilitated!

So now we’re going to talk about the six things that have to take place before the rapture. Jesus told us that He didn’t want us to be caught unaware, that we’re to watch for these signs, signs that are popping all over the place right now. What’s happening in Israel right now is one of the signs of the time. The signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, many are happening right now. The floods, the droughts, the economic woes; all of this stuff is happening now. So, if we were instructed to watch that we would not be caught unaware, then how can these signs not mean anything? READ MORE

The Imminent Judgment of God (Pt. 2)

John Shorey made the point that the middle class is disappearing in this country and we now have the very rich and those who are working two jobs at Walmart and McDonalds to make ends meet! John continued to read from Racing Towards Judgment, “God will judge this nation with economic disasters. Critical money problems will strike large and small cities alike.”

Then, David Wilkerson addresses the current issues of our day (in Racing Towards Judgment) that are in our news headlines with chilling accuracy; “There will be violence everywhere. Unheard of violence. Unbelievable violence. Unnecessary violence. Uncontrollable violence. The violence seething beneath the surface for years will explode.” They are saying today, this week, that crime is rising and even death. There is unrest in America, and when all this poverty hits and there is no food, it’s going to explode like crazy! If 50 million people suddenly did not receive their food stamp allocations, we will be seeing violence erupting in virtually every city in America. READ MORE