Do You Not Remember?

Mark 8:18 NIV Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear? And don’t you remember?

Today I am calling on you for prayer. As you know, I try very hard to stay out of the political arena and use my energies in teaching the book of Revelation and in fulfilling what God has asked of me. The Lord spoke to me years ago, telling me that Lori and I would help create a place where the Prophets of these days would have a voice. With God’s amazing blessings, our show has brought to us the most remarkable people of God that have been revealing the truth about these End times, layer by layer. READ MORE

4.0 Earthquake on the New Madrid Fault Line

Residents in the southeastern part of Missouri were shaken after an earthquake occurred along the New Madrid Fault Line shortly before 11 p.m. CT.

The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported that the earthquake was at 4.0 magnitude and had occurred approximately 11 miles before the surface of the Earth.

Not only did nearby residents feel the quake but reports from KFVS-TV in Cape Girardeau, Missouri stated that residents living as far as Carbondale, Illinois were able to feel the quake.

No damages or injuries have been reported.

The New Madrid Fault Line stretches along the Mississippi River from near St. Louis to Memphis, Tennessee. According to the USGS, the New Madrid Fault is “the most seismically active in North America east of the Rockies.” They also report that earthquakes in the eastern and central part of the United States “can be felt over an area as much as ten times larger than a similar magnitude earthquake on the west coast.”

Third Blood Moon Occurs Easter Weekend

The third blood moon lunar eclipse in the 18-month long tetrad will occur this Saturday on the morning of Easter Vigil and within the first night of Passover.

Earth’s shadow will cover the entire moon at 4:58 a.m. PST and the total eclipse will last approximately five minutes, making it the shortest eclipse in a century. The short timing of this eclipse is caused by the moon skimming the outskirts of Earth’s shadow, rather than passing through centrally.

Red light is created around the rim of the Earth when it covers the sun and that red light beams onto the moon, causing the blood red tint.

After Saturday, the next blood moon is expected September 28, 2015.

The Honor of Kings

In Proverbs 24:2 the Bible says “It is the glory of God to conceal a matter but the honor of kings to search out those things.”   Because of Christ we are all kings and queens of God. This ministry is about searching and understanding what is coming directly from the Bible.  From this understanding we are to prepare and teach others about His Word!  These past couple of months this ministry has had revelation and understanding coming to us at a rate that makes my head spin.  Thank you Jesus! READ MORE

The Apple of God’s Eye

When Lori and I stepped off the plane in Israel this past September there was a feeling which swept over us that is difficult to describe.  I felt a familiar feeling of home, sincere awe and excitement!  Lori had never been to Israel before and it had been her heart’s desire for many years.  She too felt this indescribable emotion of being home. The scriptures clung to our hearts as we both took in a deep breath of air. We both knew that this visit was God’s doing and absolutely His timing.  READ MORE

The Loudest Voice

This is such an epic time in the world! God is speaking to the world but it seems that very few people are listening! He couldn’t be speaking any louder and he is letting us know what is coming through the signs in the world. One sign after another, one harbinger after another, day after day, and I HOPE our eyes and ears are open to receive them! This is why our ministry exists to help people see with their whole heart and to understand what God is doing in the earth.

As these prophetic events unfold, I feel led to remind you of WHY God gives us these signs.  Why does the Lord bring us these signs and these special harbingers? One reason. LOVE. READ MORE

Double Volcano Eruption in Mexico

The two most active volcanoes in Mexico erupted Wednesday, spewing large columns of ash and gas into the air.

Located to the south-east of Mexico City, the Popocatepetl volcano, also known as “Don Goyo,” registered 60 explosions within 24 hours with one of the explosions reaching over 3,000 feet into the air.

Within the same time period, the Colima volcano, known as the “Volcano of Fire” located 430 miles northwest of Mexico’s capital also registered several eruptions.

The governor of the state, Mario Anguiano Moreno, stated on Twitter that there is “no considerable risk for the population, since the wind is taking the ashes to the northeast of the state.”

There has been no calls for evacuations at this time.

2015 Word from the Lord (Pt. 2)

Boots on the Ground

This New Year is the time to dress up in righteousness, put your “glad rags” on and be prepared to preach and minister the word of the Lord. It’s also time to put some “boots on the ground,” dig ditches and help build what God wants to build for the days ahead. Morningside is a place of safety and a refuge for the last days. We need to be ready.

A recent guest on our program said, “Everything could change in a day. A Mega-quake may actually be the first domino that will push us into the tribulation period.”

Spiritual warfare is at the door. The church has got to have their boots on – we have to be ready to do some work! Christian soldiers need to have “boots on the ground.” READ MORE

Common Sense with Mike Huckabee (Pt. 1)

I was truly thrilled to recently have the honor of interviewing Governor Mike Huckabee, a born-again Christian and ordained Southern Baptist minister, on our show. It was one of the top 10 highlights of my life right alongside interviews I have done with Presidents Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. I believe Mike Huckabee is a man raised up for this hour, and he has a message for us – a message I was honored to help him get out to the world on our television broadcast. Governor Huckabee has written extensively about his desire to see this nation return to the core principles that most of us share in his new book, “God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy,” which is available on our website. READ MORE

2015 Word of the Lord

Seeking the Lord for a word for the new year is always a very serious pursuit and this year is even more crucial as we see the “red lights of prophecy” flashing all around us and God’s plan unfolding at breakneck speed. The Lord began to speak to me while we were in Israel, and the word that I give to you I sincerely pray will resonate with your spirit and cause you to be more prepared for these times we see looming on the horizon. Remember that in the midst of all the turmoil there is a promise of His Return and that is cause for great rejoicing! READ MORE