Over 60 earthquakes shake western Texas

Seismic-reading The recent uptick in seismic events has led to the Railroad Commission (RRC) of Texas opening an investigation to see if they were caused by injection of fluids into the ground for the extraction of petroleum products

Mathew 24:7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

Important Takeaways:

  • US state is rocked by more than SIXTY earthquakes with up to 5.1 magnitude in a week
  • A single county has reported more than 60 earthquakes in the last week, sparking a State of Emergency to be declared.
  • Scurry County in West Texas was hit by a 5.1-magnitude quake on Friday, which was felt as far north as Oklahoma, followed by a 4.5-magnitude the next day.
  • The epicenter in Hermleigh has now experienced 62 seismic events since last Monday (July 23)
  • No damages or injuries have been reported.
  • The largest quake was felt about 80 miles away in Lubbock and across parts of the South Plains.
  • West Texas is not located on a major fault line, but features 250 minor ones that extents outward 1,800 miles from the Dallas-Fort Worth area

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