Eric Adams claimed police arrested protesters after non-student elements escalated the situation

Police-at-Columbia-University Police gather near a pro-Palestinian encampment at Columbia University on Tuesday. Photograph: Marco Postigo Storel via AP

Mathew 24:12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

Important Takeaways:

  • Eric Adams under pressure to divulge details on ‘outside agitators’ at campus protests
  • Adams, a Democrat and former city police officer, was asked by local reporters on Thursday morning to give a breakdown of the arrest numbers. He repeatedly declined to provide details.
  • When pressed to provide further details, he said his office had “turned everything over to the school, and it is up to the school to determine if they’re going to release the names of students and non-students”.
  • New York police department issued a press release saying that among those arrested at Columbia, “approximately 29% of individuals were not affiliated” with the school, while 60% of people arrested at the CCNY protests were not affiliated with the school
  • NYPD commissioner said “These individuals are not university students, they are not affiliated with either the institutions or campuses in question, and they are working to escalate the situation.”

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