Several years ago my twin sister (Nelda) and I were attending a children’s church camp as counselors. It was a special time for us as it was our first time at a church camp. We were also celebrating our birthday. Little did we know that we were in for an incredible experience which we would never forget.
There were many kids of various ages and backgrounds at the camp along with several adults. During the day we were free to do whatever there was to do–swim, play games, horseback riding, etc. In the evening and late into the night we had church. Let me tell you something–kids know how to have church! They are not afraid or ashamed to let God have his way. (We adults could take a lesson from them!)
Each adult counselor was assigned and responsible for several kids. We made sure they were chaperoned and closely supervised. After a few nights of church services, the girls that my sister Nelda was in charge of had been disrupting services every night. Finally they got so out-of-hand that the president of the camp decided it would be best to send them home.
My sister and I prayed about it and Nelda felt led to ask the camp president to reconsider her decision. Nelda boldy expressed her opinion saying she did not agree with the decision to send the girls home. She said, “I feel they should stay”. Well, that ended up being the right decision because the very next night during the church service they each received Jesus as their Savior!
We didn’t give up on these girls. We could have easily called their parents and sent them home. However, we were concerned about their SOUL. The devil really tried to stop what was going to happen.
There are so many kids who are lost and hurting. The very last night of church service was amazing! The meeting lasted all night and we saw many lives touched by the hand of God.
One young man was slain in the spirit. He was carried to his bunk and didn’t wake up until the next morning! We found out later that his father was in jail and he was trying to help his mother with the responsibilities at home. He had a heavy load to carry; But God took over that night, cradled him in His arms and gave him resting peace.
Matthew 11-28: “God says come to me all who are heavy burdened and I will give you rest.”
The final morning we attended a prayer meeting. While we were praying a councilor brought in a young girl. We couldn’t see her face because she kept her head down. She requested prayer so we prayed for her, then she left. Just a few minutes later she was escorted back by two girls. This time we saw her face. We were shocked to see that her eyes were already very swollen, her ears were about three times the normal size and she was having difficulty breathing. It was terrible—this was now an emergency and she needed immediate help!
We started praying for her and after a while I was getting in my spirit the scripture, John 9-6: “When Jesus spit upon the ground and made mud and put on the blind man’s eyes he received his sight.” I really struggled with this. I said “God, surely You do not want me to do that!” A few minutes later my sister said, “Somebody is getting something from God and if they don’t obey, this girl will die.” I replied, “Okay, okay, this is what we must do. We must get some dirt and water.” No one opposed me because they knew that what I said was from God. The little girl could have resisted and said, “No, you’re not putting mud on my eyes”, but she didn’t.
At this point she was desperate and in a lot of pain. The men got the dirt and the women got some water. They mixed the mud and water together and then we put it on her eyes. We began to witness a miracle in the making. The power of God was swift and deliberate. When we put the mud on her eyes, the mud began softening, almost like melting and then it fell off her face! She opened her eyes, ALL the swelling was gone and her ears had returned to normal size. Praise the Lord!!
This was near the dawn of early morning. The girl’s parents had been called but didn’t show up until about 4:00 p.m. If we had not obeyed God, she would have most likely died. Your obedience can be the difference between life and death and such was the situation for that day. There were numerous other miracles that week as well.
I have often wondered what became of those children. What would have happened if we had refused to obey God? Several children received Christ that week and I believe that many were called into the ministry. Hopefully, they have walked in the fullness of God and touched many lives. Maybe they have even attended many more camps and prayed for children that were once like them.
It’s always good to remind yourself that as a born-again believer you have already received the greatest miracle that any human could ever experience! It is a miracle in the sense that you were once an enemy of God, you were separated from God by your sins, but now you can see and understand the truth! Jesus accepted God’s wrath in your place. God sent the Holy Spirit to reveal who Jesus really is. The Lord has turned many hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.
“YOU Now Have Eternal Life” (John 10: 28-29)
This is the greatest miracle of all and supersedes all other miracles including healing or being raised from the dead!
I believe that if we obey God, there are many more miracles to come.
Receive Your Own Miracle Today!
I love your message because I am only 42 and I have called the show I have got to know Betty Dewhirst and she had prayed for me I am in need of a miracle I have been sick since March when I passed out with the flu at work, I am dizzy a lot and I have fullness in my ears and I just got back to work part time and its a struggle to make it through the day I feel like I am going to pass out a lot of days I see a neurologist on Friday and I go to John Hopkins in December so reading about a miracle is so encouraging to me but I have been so down lately I know God can heal and I am trusting him
Wow!! Praise the Lord. What a wonderful God.
I enjoyed this article! It’s so true! It certainly pays to obey GOD! Obedience is better than sacrifice!
Thank you sweetheart wonderful story. we were both healed of Cancer me of Brest Cancer stage 4 and Wally of Bladder Cancer. We Love you all and your all in our prayers. Praying to come a visit again real soon. Please tell Pastor Jim and sweet Lorie we Love them.