For those of you just joining the Morningside devotion readers, please refer to last week’s Part 1 of “Let’s Talk 2013”. As you read the following notes taken during Pastor Jim’s New Year’s Eve service, always keep in mind to declare Psalm 91 over your life and circumstances. The Lord watches over His children.
Pastor Jim’s words from the Lord for the year 2013 are:
1. NOAH – as in the days of Noah so shall it be before the Lord’s return. People will be doing whatever they want, lots of debauchery, many not realizing what they are doing. There will be increased persecution of Christians and mocking.
2. DO NOT GIVE UP – God is with you! The suicide rate in New York now exceeds the murder rate. People without hope are turning on themselves. You are here for a reason. Have two places for storing food—one that is known and one place unknown to others. We are building a refuge here.
3. WARFARE–there is all out warfare for your mind! Cast down imaginations. Bring into captivity every thought. (I Peter 5:7). Monitor what you see and hear.
4. COVER WORRY WITH THE WORD! Pastor Jim mentioned a manuscript he had written but never published and summarized it. Called The Three Mountain Movers they are: Trust in the Lord, Delight in the Lord, and Commit to the Lord. Pastor Jim said he needed to add two more items. One, is to Rest in the Lord (wait patiently for Him) and secondly, to Cease from Anger. God’s Word says in I Peter 5:7—“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” Psalm 37:3—“Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.” Stop losing your temper, no one else wants it! Put good thoughts over bad thinking. Psalm 63:6—“I remember you while I’m lying in bed; I think about you through the night.” Pastor Jim stated that the fear of the Lord in people is being overcome by the fear of the government. Being without food and other necessities is what the anti-Christ wants for you. Prepare!
5. SLAUGHTER – Pastor Jim did not even want to say this because there had already been so much discussion of this recently in the news, but he had to be obedient to share that word. There would be more events involving slaughter in 2013. Pastor also indicated that an atom bomb will be used in 2013.
6. MORE STORMS ARE COMING—worse than ever. Drought is about to close the Mississippi River which would affect the marketplace and our food supply – imports and exports.
7. BE READY– the Lord is warning His people to be ready. The muslims have vowed to take over the world. God gave Pastor Jim the phrase “Muslim March”. Also mentioned was that water systems will be poisoned and cruise ships will be targeted. This is the time to pray more than ever before. We must be ready with spiritual tools. Begin to collect Bibles to give to those who will be coming to you and want to know the Word. Be prepared with a better knowledge and understanding of Revelation. Have your purification systems ready, along with basic emergency supplies including bandages, etc.
8. DO NOT HARDEN YOUR HEART. Many will take the mark of the beast. FOOD will become the focus of life. Have food available for bartering when needed.
9. DO NOT TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST! Settle it now that you WILL NOT do this. Even if it means starving to death.
10. QUICKLY was the last word.. The Lord knows how to save His people. II Peter 2:1 says that those who cause others to suffer will themselves suffer. The judgment on America will be worse than other nations because our country was originally dedicated to God and now we have turned away. Read Luke 11:24 and Matthew 23.
11. Pastor Jim told about a VISION he had. He was aware that it was the Earth and that he was looking inside the Earth. He saw indescribable grotesque creatures worse than any horror film out there and then he heard the phrase “Hordes of Hell”. The Lord shared that the Hordes of Hell had been unleashed on the Earth. However, Pastor Jim was encouraged that God’s people would make it and the gates of Hell would not prevail against the true Church according to the Word. Matthew 16:18—“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” KJV
12. In September, God spoke three words to Pastor Jim for 2013. The three words were: COLD—COLD—COLD! (Already there have been several record-breaking cold temperatures in the U.S.)
That pretty much covers most of my notes. I hope this overview helps you to better understand and therefore plan ahead for what is coming in the near future.
We are praying for you! Stay on the path God has for you. God bless you!!
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