Insider says President Biden considering stepping aside after the last debate


Important Takeaways:

  • Inside growing turmoil as Biden team struggles to calm post-debate storm
  • President Joe Biden told a close ally that he doesn’t think he can salvage his campaign after his train wreck debate with Donald Trump last week.
  • It is the first real sign that the president is considering dropping out of the race amid calls for a new candidate.
  • The deciding factor, a key ally told The New York Times, could be Biden’s campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin this weekend.
  • They said of the president’s thinking: He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place.
  • But Biden’s Deputy spokesperson Andrew Bates insisted in a post on X moments after the article went live that the reporting is ‘absolutely false.’ He complained the NYT only gave the team seven minutes to reply to a request for comment.
  • White House chief of staff Jeff Zients is scheduled to hold an all-hands-on-deck staff call at 12:30 p.m. Wednesday to pump up disillusioned staff and reassure them that Biden will remain the nominee.
  • The president has been on the phone to lawmakers trying to shore up his support on Capitol Hill amid worries Republicans will take control of the House and Senate – along with the White House – in the upcoming elections, giving them unchecked power to run the country.
  • Meanwhile, Jill Biden has been dispatched to the battleground states of Pennsylvania and Michigan to tout Biden’s accomplishments in the White House as polls show him trailing Donald Trump.
  • Now a group of business leaders are calling for Joe Biden to step down for a replacement Democratic nominee.
  • Leadership Now Project is the latest entity expressing it wants to see a different candidate on the ticket in 2024 other than the incumbent president after his disastrous debate performance.
  • The group wrote in a statement responding to the debate: We have heard from many individuals who share our deep concerns about the present course but fear speaking out.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said months of quiet conversation did not solve the problem

Netanyahu makes statement

Important Takeaways:

  • Netanyahu says it was ‘absolutely necessary’ to publicly air criticism of White House
  • Asked about his controversial video message criticizing the White House over what he said was a holdup in weapons shipments, Netanyahu says that “we began to see that we had some significant problems emerging a few months ago. And in fact, we tried, in many, many quiet conversations between our officials and American officials, and between me and the president to try to iron out this diminution of supply.”
  • The prime minister claimed however that he was not “able to solve it” even after raising it with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his visit to Israel, and therefore “I felt that airing it was absolutely necessary after months of quiet conversation that did not solve the problem.”

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Gordon Chang points out Washington’s failure and China’s intimidation of the Philippines could be leading to real disaster


Important Takeaways:

  • Thanks to Biden, China Could Start World War III Here
  • China is swarming the waters of the Philippines, hoping to intimidate Manila into surrendering territory. US President Joe Biden and the State Department keep on issuing warnings, but Chinese President Xi Jinping continues to ignore them, suggesting deterrence is failing….
  • [R]ecently, China took Scarborough Shoal …. Washington then brokered an agreement for both sides to withdraw their craft, but only Manila complied. Beijing has been in firm control of Scarborough ever since.
  • When Chinese leaders, generals and admirals saw Washington’s failure to act, they began moving against Second Thomas Shoal and other Philippine reefs and islets in the South China Sea, went after Japan’s islets in the East China Sea, and began reclaiming and militarizing features in the Spratly chain. Biden as vice president legitimized the worst elements in the Chinese political system by showing everyone that aggression works.
  • Beijing has been waging proxy wars on three continents: Europe in Ukraine, Africa across its northern rim, and Asia in Israel and surrounding areas.
  • Xi apparently now believes he is boss of the world. “Change is coming that hasn’t happened in 100 years,” the Chinese leader told Russian President Vladimir Putin after their 40th in-person chat, in Moscow on March 22 last year. “And we are driving this change together.”
  • Biden is now trying to reestablish deterrence. Britain and France desperately attempted to do that in late summer 1939 when they warned Germany that they would declare war if it invaded Poland. Then, German leaders did not believe the British and the French would in fact fight because for three years they had failed to make good on previous warnings.
  • The United States, therefore, is left with only risky options to deter China in the South China Sea. “Once a country loses credibility and prestige, it must fall back on military force to achieve its aims,” Gregory Copley, the president of the International Strategic Studies Association and editor-in-chief of Defense & Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy, told this author. “The U.S. has lost both around the world.”
  • Thanks to Biden, America is now the Britain and France of our decade, and the world is again on the brink of global conflict. Some 55 craft in Philippine waters tells us that China thinks it has a free hand.

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Glenn Beck reports on Biden’s White House colluding with social media to censor free speech

Glenn Beck

Important Takeaways:

  • Biden’s Crackdown on the Internet Is WORSE Than You Think
  • We’re being played: The Left isn’t “saving democracy,” and the internet is NOT free. The Murthy v. Missouri Supreme Court case is just the tip of the iceberg. The pro-speech plaintiffs argue the Biden White House colluded with social media platforms to censor speech they don’t like. Speech on topics like COVID origins, masks, vaccines, lockdowns, the Hunter Biden laptop, climate change, mail-in voting, and election integrity.
  • There is much more of this censorship in our future. Thanks to a FOIA request and eventual lawsuit brought by America First Legal, AFL was able to uncover a report by U.S. Agency for International Development that was intended for internal use only.
  • Glenn digs into this report called the “Dis-information Primer,” which provides a disturbing insider’s view of our government’s strategies for dealing with rampant so-called “information disorder.” And instead of debunking speech it doesn’t like, the government employs a strategy called “pre-bunking.” Wait, what?! We are up against a SPRAWLING network of government agencies, think tanks, and the largest companies in the world, all collaborating in multiple ways with the same end-goal: to censor unapproved speech in media and especially online.

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White House Easter egg art contest: “don’t be overtly religious”


Important Takeaways:

  • Religious-themed designs banned from White House Easter egg art contest
  • Children of the National Guard are prohibited from submitting religious Easter egg designs for the 2024 “Celebrating National Guard Families” art event at the White House.
  • The art contest is part of the White House’s Easter traditions, which include the annual Easter Egg Roll. The flyer for the contest states that an Easter egg design submission “must not include any questionable content, religious symbols, overtly religious themes, or partisan political statements.”
  • “As part of the White House Easter traditions, America’s Egg Farmers – for nearly 50 years – have proudly presented an intricately decorated Commemorative Easter Egg to the First Lady of the United States. In 2021, the White House expanded on this longstanding tradition by displaying youth-designed Easter eggs in the White House East Colonnade,” the flyer explains.
  • An estimated 40,000 people are expected to take part in Monday’s annual event.

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Gordon Chang points out why the White House should stay away from making any agreements with China over the role of AI


Important Takeaways:

  • “China has signaled interest in joining discussions on setting rules and norms for AI, and we should welcome that,” said Bonnie Glaser of the German Marshall Fund to the Breaking Defense site. “The White House is interested in engaging China on limiting the role of AI in command and control of nuclear weapons.”
  • [N]o, America should not want to enter into any AI agreement with the People’s Republic of China on “nuclear C2” — command and control — or any other matter.
  • An agreement requiring a human to make launch decisions would, as a practical matter, be unenforceable.
  • None of China, Russia, or the United States would allow others to pore over millions of lines of their computer code…..
  • America does not need another feel-good agreement with China. It already has them, especially the Biological Weapons Convention, which has no enforcement mechanisms.
  • The Chinese regime wants to talk about artificial intelligence largely because it is trailing the U.S. and thinks an agreement would help it catch up…. [and] pave the way for China to access the U.S. technology it does not already have.

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White House drawing plans for “Sustained Military Action” in Yemen since US strikes are not deterring Houthi Rebels


Important Takeaways:

  • The Biden administration is reportedly drawing up plans for “sustained” military action in Yemen against the Houthis after US strikes failed to stop rebel attacks on ships.
  • American fighter jets have repeatedly struck Houthi sites in Yemen over the past ten days, with the latest on Saturday taking out an anti-ship missile that was preparing to fire, according to the US military.
  • Despite the operations to destroy their radars, missiles and drones, the Iran-backed group – which has almost a decade of experience hiding its weapons from western-backed Saudi air strikes – has vowed to fight on, framing their attacks as an act of solidarity with Palestinians under Israeli attack in Gaza.
  • On Saturday the Washington Post reported that the Biden administration was crafting plans for a sustained campaign against the Houthis.
  • No further details have been released on what they may look like though earlier this week Mr. Biden conceded the attacks would continue despite failing to deter the Houthis from their campaign.

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White House pressures Congress saying ‘out of money and nearly out of time’ to aid Ukraine


Important Takeaways:

  • White House warns it is ‘out of money and nearly out of time’ to aid Ukraine
  • The warning, issued on Monday in a letter to congressional leaders, laid out how the government had already gone through about $111bn appropriated for Ukraine military aid.
  • “I want to be clear: without congressional action, by the end of the year we will run out of resources to procure more weapons and equipment for Ukraine and to provide equipment from US military stocks,” Shalanda Young, director of the office of management and budget, wrote in the letter, parts of which were published by the Hill.
  • The latest plea for money comes after the White House asked Congress to act on a $100bn supplemental funding request in October, arguing that it “advances our national security and supports our allies and partners”.
  • The request identified border security, allies in the Indo-Pacific, Israel and Ukraine. About $61bn covered money for Ukraine, which included $30bn to restock defense department equipment sent to support the country after Russia invaded in February 2022.

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Last week North Korea launched a satellite and they’re claiming they have photos of White House and Pentagon


Important Takeaways:

  • North Korea has intensified its pressure campaign towards the United States, claiming that its illegal satellite, which breached a United Nations Security Council resolution, successfully captured images of significant U.S. locations, including the White House.
  • North Korea’s leader Kim Jong Un thoroughly reviewed the “photographs of the White House, the Pentagon, and other targets in Washington D.C.,” taken by its newly-launched satellite at around 11:35 pm Pyongyang time Monday, according to the North’s official Rodong Sinmun.
  • The state-run newspaper said on Tuesday that the satellite also captured images of U.S. military bases including the Naval Station Norfolk,… highlighting it surveilled four U.S. Navy nuclear aircraft carriers and a British aircraft carrier.
  • North Korea’s official Korean Central News Agency claimed on Saturday that its satellite passed over Hawaii and observed “a naval base in the Pearl Harbor, the Hickam air-force base in Honolulu,”
  • However, the paper did not release images taken by the satellite.

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Despite what White House says about Economy the latest financial data could explain why we’re seeing Robin Hood mentality: Rob the rich to feed the poor


Important Takeaways:

  • 80% Of American Households Are In A Worse Financial Position Now Than They Were Before The COVID Pandemic Hit — What You Can Do To Keep Your Head Above Water
  • Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, they have depleted their extra savings and have less liquid assets than they had before the pandemic began. If this is you, consider speaking to a financial advisor.
  • As of June, the bottom 80% of households by income, when adjusted for inflation, had lower bank deposits and other liquid assets compared to their status in March 2020. The decline marks a significant shift from the initial phases of the pandemic, where various factors, including government financial support and restricted spending opportunities during lockdowns, led to an accumulation of excess savings.
  • The wealthiest one-fifth of households still have cash savings approximately 8% above their pre-COVID levels. In stark contrast, the poorest two-fifths have witnessed an 8% decrease, and the next 40% — broadly representing the middle class — have seen their cash savings fall below pre-pandemic levels.

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