4 Dead From Typhoon Hagupit

Officials are praising the fact only four people lost their lives from Typhoon Hagupit.

Over a million residents of the Philippines were evacuated ahead of the storm as officials put into place protocols created after the devastation of Typhoon Haiyan.

“We saw that with preparation and being alert we prevented tragedy and harm, we took our countrymen away from harm,” added Interior Secretary Manuel Roxas. “It is sad to hear news of deaths, but this is very low, way below what the potential was.”

Gwendolyn Pang, the secretary general of the Philippine Red Cross, said that it’s obvious people learned lessons and put them into practice.

Over 7,300 people were confirmed dead or are still missing from 2013’s Typhoon Haiyan.

Jipapad mayor Delia Monleon revealed that floodwaters are preventing people from getting to their homes.

“Our problem is power, food is a problem because boats cannot leave,” Monleon told Christian Post. “It was flooded yesterday so we can’t leave to look for food.”