Carl Gallups “Do Not Be Ashamed!”

Carl Gallups blessed the Wednesday Night Ready Now Expo Service with wit, knowledge and biblical insights.  Speaking on the events happening in the world today, Pastor Gallups focused on the United States, it’s leadership and the current shying away by the church to discuss God’s Word and His laws. Pastor Gallups cited the recent words from Franklin Graham, “The government is trying to impose a new morality—which is really no morality at all—jamming it down the throats of the American people. America has been blessed by God more than any nation on the face of this earth. When our country was birthed, its foundations and laws were based on biblical laws and principles. We used to be ‘one nation under God,’ now we’re a nation that has turned its back on God. History shows that when nations do this, their end is near.”

Pastor Gallups explained, “There is an antichrist Spirit that permeates the United States.  It begins at the government level and has now invaded our Churches.  We must not be ashamed of the Words of Jesus! “  

Explaining that we as Christians know what the Bible is teaching us, Pastor Gallups reminded the crowd that we know what is right and wrong according to the Word.  We have become afraid to speak out about the coming of Christ, about abortion, about the sanctity of marriage or even to mention Jesus for fear someone will get mad at us for it. “Christians in the Middle East are standing up and dying for their faith in Jesus Christ!  Little Children, thousands of people, whole families not willing to deny HIM! Yet we are afraid to talk about it?”   

“It is time for the church to buck up!  It’s time for the church, pastors, and believers to SPEAK THE WORD!  As it gets darker, we MUST turn up the light!  We must stand up and say I am NOT ashamed of God’s Words!  I am not ashamed of Jesus Christ!”  Pastor Gallups exclaimed.  “Get into HIS Word, you have been raised up for such a time as this!  Do not let the world trample the Word of God!  Get out there and start shining the light!”

Pastor Carl Gallups concluded the evening with:

1 Peter 3:15 “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”