National Organization For Women Calls Nuns “Dirty”

The National Organization for Women, furious over the Hobby Lobby ruling and organizations that stand up against the Affordable Care Act’s mandate on abortion causing drugs, has released a list called the “Dirty 100” that includes a group of nuns.

The list, which consists of organizations that have filed lawsuits against the ACA, features the Little Sisters of the Poor as a “dirty” organization.

The Little Sisters of the Poor dedicates themselves to serving impoverished elderly people with “grace of hospitality toward the aged poor.”  The group operates 200 homes on five continents and serves over 13,000 residents.  The nuns who work in the order live communally and take vows of poverty, chastity, obedience and hospitality.

The Little Sisters of the Poor were not the only groups that the National Organization for Women says are “dirty.”  The list included Priests for Life, a pro-life group that also advocates against the death penalty and 12 Catholic dioceses.

NOW, one of the largest pro-abortion groups in the country, wants to see a significantly expanded mandate for contraception imposed on all businesses than what is in the Affordable Care Act.