“Tips For Jesus” Blessing Wait Staff Nationwide

An unknown person or group of people has been leaving large tips for wait staff across the United States signing their receipts with the Twitter handle “@tipsforjesus”.

The mystery tipper has left thousands of dollars in tips at restaurants in San Francisco and Chicago. The most recent tip was a $1,000 on a $266 bill at a Los Angeles area restaurant according to MyFoxLA.

Two bartenders at a University of Notre Dame campus restaurant said a group of men left a $10,000 tip and signed their receipt with the @tipsforjesus handle. The University verified the tip was valid through American Express.

One of the bartenders was overjoyed because she had no transportation and was going to use the money to get a car for use to drive to school and work.

A restaurant in Port Orchard, Washington also reported a group of men using the Twitter handle leaving a $5,000 tip.

The group’s Instagram account has the slogan “Doing the Lord’s work, one tip at a time.”