Mostly peaceful looting spreads to the City of Brotherly Love


Important Takeaways:

  • Nolte: Mass Looting Spreads to Democrat-Run Philadelphia
  • Big City Democrats have essentially decriminalized crime, and now the mass looting/shoplifting that helped destroy Democrat-run cities like San Francisco, Beverly Hills, Portland, Seattle, and Chicago has spread to Democrat-run Philadelphia.
  • Yep, now the City of Brotherly Love is getting what it voted for: Several stores in Philadelphia were looted by more than 100 juveniles Tuesday night, according to police.
  • The Footlocker and Apple stores near 15th and Chestnut and the Lululemon store in Center City were all looted, according to NBC10.
  • Multiple videos of the looting were posted to social media and show police officers trying to arrest people while windows are smashed and items are stolen.
  • The excuse for all this? A Philly judge dropped the manslaughter charges against a cop who shot a driver. Bodycam footage showed that the driver was hiding a knife. The officer says he only saw the knife’s black handle and believed it was a gun. The defense said the charges never should’ve been filed, the judge agreed, and the mostly peaceful looting began.

Read the original article by clicking here.