Young Boy And Pope Picture Goes Viral

II Timothy 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.

In an age where people are sharing photos of sinful activity all over the world, it’s unusual to see a video of simple adoration of a Christian leader making worldwide impact.

However, the recent photo of a six-year-old boy in awe of Pope Francis has gone viral and has been shared by tens of millions worldwide.

The boy, known only as “Carlos”, is an orphan from Colombia who was adopted by an Italian family. During the pope’s address during “Family Day at the Vatican,” the boy walked up on stage, hugged Pope Francis and then sat in the pontiff’s chair while he spoke to the crowd.

The boy also tried to help other children up to meet the Pope and at one point laid hands on a man that the Pope prayed over.

The Pope took the attention in stride, at one point tussling the boy’s hair and hugging him to his side as he continued to address the crowd.

The Pope’s address encouraged those in attendance to shower love on fellow family members. He said that if families can say “sorry,” “excuse me” and “thank you” that families would be fine.

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