United States border agents intercepted truck full of methamphetamine disguised as watermelons

Meth-disguised-as-watermelon The drugs were concealed in colored wrapping to resemble watermelons - CBP

Mathew 24:12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.

Important Takeaways:

  • United States border agents have intercepted a truck carrying more than $5m-worth of methamphetamine at the US-Mexico border hidden inside a shipment of watermelons.
  • The drugs were wrapped in plastic painted in two shades of green to resemble the fruit and placed among real watermelons.
  • More than two tonnes (2204 lbs.) of methamphetamine – in a total of 1,220 packages – was seized by officers.
  • Stashing drugs among produce is a common way to smuggle the illicit substances across borders – banana shipments are the most popular but officers have recently found narcotics in Gouda cheese and avocados.
  • The seizure came a week after officials at the same border crossing discovered almost 300kg of meth in a shipment of celery.

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