U.K. Heatwave Melts Roads; Warps Railroad Tracks

Editor’s Note: Prophet Rick Joyner warns that when you see strange and extreme weather (record breaking highs, lows, floods, droughts, tornadoes, storms), it is a prophetic sign that the Revelation Days are upon us.

In a week where the highest temperature of the year was recorded at Heathrow Airport in London, the U.K. Is facing a serious heat crisis.

London’s Waterloo train station was facing delays after a rail buckled due to the heat. The station’s platforms one through four are closed pending repairs to the warped rail. Network Rail had issued restrictions to trains last week because of the high temperatures trackside.

On Sunday, a portion of the M25 had to be shut down because the road surface melted across three lanes.

“It is regrettable that drivers were stuck in traffic on such a hot Sunday afternoon,” a Highways Agency spokesman told reporters, “but the precaution was taken to close to the carriageway after a defect across three lanes led to safety concerns.”

BBC forecasters say the high heat could continue across the country for the rest of the week.

The country’s Heat-Health Watch system has been activated with a level two of four warning meaning that a 60% chance of heatwave conditions will cover the region.

The news wasn’t entirely bad for the British economy, however. Pool sales are reportedly up over 400% from this time last year and sprinklers and sprayers are up over 500%.

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