Trump tells America how we will Celebrate the Birth of America when he’s back in office…And it’s AMAZING!!

Trump AP Photo/Reba Saldanha

Important Takeaways:

Here is My Plan to Celebrate America’s 1776 Founding:

  • Day 1, I will convene a White House Task Force called “Salute to America 250”

They will coordinate with State & Local Governments to ensure not just one day of celebration, but an ENTIRE YEAR of festivities across the nation starting on Memorial Day 2025 & continuing to July 4, 2026.

  • I will work with all 50 governors, Republican & Democrat to create “The Great American State Fair”, a unique One Year Exhibition featuring pavilions from all 50 states.
  • The Great American State Fair will showcase the glory of every state in the Union, promote pride in our history & put forth innovative visions for Americas future.
  • Trump plans to host “The Great American State Fair” at the Legendary Iowa State Fair Grounds.
  • Together we will Build it & They will Come!
  • We will host major sporting contests for High School Athletes — Patriot Games
  • I will sign an Executive Order to bring back our National Garden of American Hero’s, commission artists in a statuary park honoring the greatest Americans of all time
  • I will invite the leaders & citizens of nations around the world to visit the United States in honor of our 250th anniversary.

America’s tourist industry should get ready because we’re going to have a lot of people coming, it will be a record year.

  • I will ask Americas great religious communities to pray for our nation & our people as we prepare for this momentous occasion!

“As we chart a course toward the next 250 years, let us rededicate ourselves as One Nation, Under GOD!

Read the original article by clicking here and here