The Epstein list is coming out in a few weeks and US Representative Tim Burchett explains how our Congressmen and women become so corrupt: Sadly you probably already know the truth


Isaiah 10:1-2 Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees, and the writers who keep writing oppression, to turn aside the needy from justice and to rob the poor of my people of their right, that widows may be their spoil, and that they may make the fatherless their prey!
Proverbs 17:23 The wicked accepts a bribe in secret to pervert the ways of justice.

Important Takeaways:

  • During a recent interview with Benny Johnson, U.S. Representative Tim Burchett explained how this works…
  • “Yeah, 100%. You’ve got powerful people and they write the big checks,” Burchett replied, adding:
    • Well, let’s be honest in powerful people in this country, they write the big checks and they you know, they’re the ones out on the tarmac when the president comes and visits and whichever party they’re in, they always either out on the tarmac or in the private room. They’re the ones that write the big checks. They don’t care who’s in. They hate this country. They hate what we’re about. But they love their portfolios and they love their money more than they do anything else.
    • And they protect it and they protect the people that that do that. And by doing so, you know, the old honey pot — the Russians do that — and I’m sure members of Congress have been caught up. Why in the world would good conservatives vote for crazy stuff like what we’ve been seeing out of Congress? Here’s how it works. You’re visiting, you’re out of the country or out of town or you’re in a motel or at a bar in DC and, whatever you’re into – women, men, whatever — comes up and they’re very attractive and they’re laughing at your jokes. And you’re buying them a drink. Next thing you know, you’re in the motel room with them naked.
    • And next thing you know, you know you’re about to make a key vote. And what happens? Some well-dressed person comes out and whispers in your ear, “Hey, man, there’s tapes out on you.” Or, “Were you in a motel room or whatever with whoever?” And then you’re like, “Oh,” and [they] said, “you really ought not be voting for this thing.”
  • You know? And what do they do? It’s human nature. And, you know, no man or no woman actually is an island. And they know what to get at. You know, if it’s women, drugs, booze, it’ll find you. And they say, and in most elected offices, and that’s what people of power and influence do. And it’s just, you know, I’ve been in this game my whole life. I spent 16 years in the state legislature in Tennessee and eight years as county mayor. And now I’m in my fifth year Congress. But it’s just — the stakes are higher. But the game is still the same.

Read the original article by clicking here.