Texas School Gives In To Freedom From Religion Foundation

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A Texas school principal that had been quoting Bible verses during the morning announcements and whose superintendent said he wouldn’t give in to virulent anti-Christians demanding he stop, has given in.

The Freedom From Religion Foundation had attacked the school because allegedly a student contacted blogger, Hemant Mehta, who calls himself “the friendly atheist.”  Mehta contacted the FFRF to demand the school stop quoting scripture.

School superintendent Michael Gilbert stood up for his principal and said that he would not punish him nor make him stop.

“The residents were offended at the use of Scripture, demanding that it be stopped and calling for disciplinary action against Mr. Noll,” he stated. “I am fully aware of the practice at the high school and will not pursue any action against our high school principal or any other member of our faculty/staff concerning this issue.”

“Let me also be clear that we have not (in my opinion) violated anyone’s rights and/or subjected anyone to undue stress,” Gilbert continued. “Bible studies and Scriptures are allowed in schools. The requirement is that the material be presented in a neutral manner. It is my position that we met that standard with the morning announcements.”

However, Saturday, principal Dan Noll said he would be giving in to the FFRF and no longer quote scripture during his announcements.

One thought on “Texas School Gives In To Freedom From Religion Foundation

  1. One more example of America removing God’s hand of protection over our nation. His wrath will be mighty for our country. We’ve allowed this to happen. We’re a compromising and complacent nation

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