Sweltering heat wave frazzling much of the eastern United States with 90 million Americans under heat alerts nationwide

public safety officer sweats in heat A public safety officer wipes away sweat in Times Square on Thursday. Adam Gray / Bloomberg via Getty Images

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

Important Takeaways:

  • Heat wave scorching eastern states with little relief from sweltering temps
  • Record-setting temperatures have already baked much of New England and parts of the Midwest, with little hope of relief into the weekend. Heat indexes — which factor in temperature and humidity — hit between 100 and 110 degrees in some places Thursday.
  • The temperature is forecast to rise in the mid-Atlantic, through the mid-90s Friday and perhaps into the 100s Saturday, with 64 million people still under heat alerts in the region and “record-tying or breaking temperatures possible”
  • Elsewhere, Gov. Greg Abbott issued a disaster declaration for 51 Texas counties after the first named storm of the hurricane season, Alberto, made landfall in Mexico bringing heavy rain.
  • On the West Coast, some 26 million people were under heat alerts in California. And in New Mexico a pair of wildfires have forced thousands of people to evacuate, destroyed 1,400 structures and led to the deaths of at least two people.

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