State Takes Custody of Christian Family’s Children

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A Christian family in Hot Springs, Arkansas had their home invaded by police and their children taken from them because of a “miracle supplement.”

State police and Garland County officers were looking for MMS, or Miracle Mineral Solution.  The product is completely illegal and can be legally purchased online but the FDA believes there could be health concerns related to the product.

The officers were claiming that the children were being placed at risk because of the MMS in drinking water.

Hal Stanley said that he is the only member of the family that takes MMS and that it’s mostly used as a water purifier for his garden.

The couple, who homeschools their children, were kept away from their children while they were questioned by officers.  Michelle Stanley told KARZ-TV that an officer said the kids looked great and the situation would be ending soon.

Then fully armed sheriffs came into the home and took the children away from their parents.

The family considers themselves “self-reliant” and avoids contact with the government.  Sources close to the family say this is the motivation behind the police harassment.  A court hearing is being held on January 21st to determine if the state can continue to hold the family’s children.

The Garland County Sheriff’s Department issued a statement after the media heard of their actions, claiming that the MMS story is “false.”  They claim two residents close to the family who are unnamed made claims of child abuse.

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