Shipping industry sounds alarm as another vessel sinks from Houthi attacks in the Red Sea

The MV Tutor coal carrier The MV Tutor, a Greek-owned coal carrier, sinks in the Red Sea after it was struck by the Houthi rebels on June 12, 2024. Etat-Major des Armées/France/AP

Revelation 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • Leading shipping groups have urged governments “with influence” to put a stop to Houthi attacks on vessels in the Red Sea after a second freighter sank this week.
  • At least three seafarers have been killed in the attacks so far. The latest sinking is likely to have led to another death
  • “It is deplorable that innocent seafarers are being attacked while simply performing their jobs, vital jobs which keep the world warm, fed, and clothed,” the shipping associations said in their statement.
  • “This is an unacceptable situation, and these attacks must stop now. We call for states with influence in the region to safeguard our innocent seafarers and for the swift de-escalation of the situation in the Red Sea,” they added.
  • The Iranian-aligned Houthi rebels, based in Yemen, started launching drone and missile strikes on vessels in the Red Sea in November in what they say is revenge against Israel’s war in Gaza. They have since also seized one vessel and its crew, who are still being held hostage.

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