Seismic swarm in Iceland leads to volcanic eruption

Luke 21:11 There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences. And there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.

Important Takeaways:

  • See Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall volcano erupt for 3rd time in 3 years
  • The Icelandic Meteorological Office said Monday that a fissure broke open between the Fagradalsfjall and Keilir mountains, roughly 37 miles from the country’s capital and just a half hour from an international airport.
  • The fissure excreting lava is estimated to be about 200 meters, or about 656 feet long. The office said that the “lava is emerging as a series of fountains.”
  • However, “there is presently no emission of ash to the atmosphere,” the office said in its last update on Monday evening, adding that the eruption is occurring in a region where people do not live, ensuring “no immediate risks to communities or infrastructure.”
  • “The development of the eruption is presently unclear, so we advise the public not to attempt to visit the eruption area,” the office said. “Dangerously high levels of volcanic gases will accumulate close to the eruption. Further updates from IMO will be issued in the coming days.”
  • The peninsula has been experiencing a “seismic swarm” since July 4, the meteorological office said, with at least 7,000 earthquakes recorded between Fagradalsfjall and Keilir since that time, with the largest measuring as a 4.8 on July 5. The office says the rise in activity is because of a “new dike intrusion in the area.”

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