School Reverses Discrimination Against Christian Athletes

Mark 13:13 “You will be hated by all because of My name, but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.”

A Florida school district that was openly discriminating against Christian athletes has reversed course and will now allow the Fellowship of Christian Athletes access to the schools.

Students at Mount Dora High School attempted to form a chapter of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes when the officials at the school denied them the same rights given to other student groups.  Those rights included access to school facilities and the right to hang promotional posters for events in the school hallways.

The students reached out to the Christian legal organization Liberty Counsel who filed a complaint with the school, saying that denying the students access because they approach things from a religious perspective is a clear violation of their First Amendment rights.

“Equal access means exactly what it says: equal access to every school facility used by other clubs,” Mat Staver of the Liberty Counsel said.  “This includes the use of classroom facilities, intercom systems, bulletin boards, yearbook, financial sponsorship and any other benefit afforded to secular clubs.”

Lake County School Board voted to support an agreement to end the lawsuit that gives the FCA the same access as other non-curricular student groups.

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