Russia sends a new peace plan to Washington over Ukraine War

Putin-ready-to-share-Crimea Vladimir Putin (pictured) is ready to share sovereignty of Crimea with Ukraine , according to an astonishing 'new peace plan'

Revelation 6:3-4 “when he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” 4 And out came another horse, bright red. Its rider was permitted to take peace from the earth, so that people should slay one another, and he was given a great sword.

Important Takeaways:

  • Putin ‘is prepared to SHARE Crimea with Ukraine according to new peace plan that has been presented by Russia to the US’
  • It would see the Kremlin dictator gain spoils from going to war.
  • ‘The main purpose of his [Kolokoltsev’s] arrival was to hand over Russia’s peace plan to the US authorities,’ said Gordon, who said it was a Putin plan ‘to end the war’.
  • The demands were that Ukraine must completely withdraw from Donetsk and Luhansk regions, both of which are now partially annexed by Russia.
  • But Russia would hand over Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station and the nearby town of Enerhodar to Ukraine.
  • And he would discuss the possible transfer of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions to the control of Ukraine.
  • Crimea would become a ‘specially demilitarized administrative territory with dual subordination to Ukraine and the Russian Federation’.
  • Ukraine must take on itself legally binding international guarantees, not to block the supply of water to Crimea,’ said Gordon, reading from a document.
  • Putin seized the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea in 2014 and vowed he would never return it to Ukraine.
  • Ukraine would also control a 62-mile ‘demilitarized zone’ along the Dnipro River.
  • The Ukrainian army would have a legal maximum size, and the country would be barred from joining NATO, a key Zelinsky goal.
  • But Putin would not seek to block Ukraine joining the EU.
  • The West would drop sanctions on Russian oil and gas, as well as banking.
  • Gordon gave the army size as 350,000, but the Gosdumskaya Telegram channel said 150,000.
  • The UN meeting that the Russian minister attended was a ‘diversionary maneuver’, said Gordon.
  • The Donetsk and Luhansk regions cannot be transferred under the control of Ukraine, because this will cause, they say, the imminent genocide of the population of the territory, a third of which took part in hostilities against Ukraine,’ said Gordon.
  • There has been no official comment from the US, Russia or Ukraine over the alleged back channel contacts concerning Kolokoltsev’s visit.
  • Intriguingly, Kolokoltsev’s plane was seen alongside former US president Donald Trump’s aircraft as it arrived in Washington.
  • Trump has vowed that he could rapidly halt the debilitating war if re-elected and hinted that this would involve Ukraine ceding territory in exchange for security assurances short of being a NATO member

Read the original article by clicking here.