“Real Housewives Of Orange County” Star Gets Baptized

Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Tamra Judge, one of the stars of the TV show “Real Housewives of Orange County”, has accepted Christ and been baptized.

She is proclaiming forgiveness for her ex-husband after a messy divorce and child custody battle.  She said during her baptism ceremony that she hopes they will be able to grow into a peaceful relationship for the benefit of their children.

She came to Christ after a friend invited her to church.

“I was never baptized as a kid, and I was never brought up in church and I haven’t raised my kids in the church, it was something that was very foreign to me,” she shared. “When I was going through everything I was going through, I was at work one day and this woman came up to me at my studio — she goes ‘would you like to go to church with me?’ and I said ‘yes.'”

“So I took my kids to church and [my husband] Eddie went with me and my life just kind of changed, it was very powerful. And I think that with religion and accepting the Lord into your life and your heart, it’s a personal journey.”

People who had watched the show over the years have been critical of Judge, saying that her conversion isn’t real and just for the show.

“I got baptized on the show and [Bravo] has been using that for all their commercials so I talked with my pastor about it and he said ‘listen, being on a reality show and showing this, you’re probably going to get a lot of negative feedback,'” Judge recalled. “And I said ‘I know; I don’t know if I want to do it, because there could be a lot of negative about it and people can say she’s just doing that because she had a bad year last year.’”

“I think in the past six months I’ve felt like a new person, but it’s just one of those things where I wanted to make it right with the Lord and I knew the journey I was on. I’m not saying like, I’m perfect and I’m not saying I’m at church every single Sunday. I try to go every Sunday, I’m joining a Bible study … as you know, your mindset changes [after being baptized].”

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